See You Again - Nick Vaughan

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"Hannah, what do you want me to do? I have sent you everything I have that I took with me when I moved

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"Hannah, what do you want me to do? I have sent you everything I have that I took with me when I moved." I said into the phone as I left my apartment.

"Just I need those photo albums. With the baby shower I know mom with want to throw for Cole and I need the photo albums." Hannah said and I groaned.

"I will make sure I sent everything tonight. I still don't think it's right I have to give you mine. Those are my albums." I said and Hannah groaned.

"Yeah well you have the best photos."

"We got to pick what we wanted Hannah! I can't help it you were too busy fuck-..." I started to say.

"Don't finish that sentence and be a bitch." Hannah said.

"Whatever. I have to go." I said and hung up on my big sister.

She had announced to the family at Christmas she was 3 months pregnant. I was happy for her, don't let my attitude fool you but now, 4 months later I was in New York she was in DC and was wanting me to go through my things and send her my things since she couldn't find hers.

I hurried to catch a cab, I was going on a blind date at a local jazz club. A friend at work set this up, it was her husband's friend and she thought we would hit it off. I arrived 5 minutes late and I pulled up his picture on my phone and looked around the tables and bar for the guy and didn't see him. I grabbed a table and just waited. I ordered a drink as the house band played quietly in the background.

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After an hour I came to the conclusion I had been stood up and didn't want to even think about how pissed I was. I text my friend who set me up and let her know he never showed. I paid my tab and I got up to leave.

"Zin? That you?" I heard a voice say and I turned and saw him standing there and I smiled.

"Nick! What are you doing here?" I asked as I hugged him.

"I was playing with the band." Nick said and held up the trumpet bag and I smiled.

"I didn't even notice. I was a little preoccupied." I said and Nick smiled.

"Well, I'm done for the night. Would you like to join me for a drink?" Nick asked and motioned to the bar and I smiled.

"Sure." I said knowing I had nothing else to do and didn't want to go home.

"So what were the plans for tonight?" Nick asked.

"Well it was supposed to be a blind date but he stood me up." I said and Nick groaned.

"Wow...jerk." Nick said and I sighed with a shrug.

"I'm just so tired of dates. I just want to find a guy and be happy." I said and Nick sighed.

"I know that feeling." Nick said and I looked at him.

Nick Vaughn had been in my life since he dated my sister Hannah when she was a sophomore at Georgetown University. I was still in high school, a junior at the time but I swore Nick and Hannah were going to make it the long haul, everything seemed perfect with them. Senior year Hannah got a job offer and Nick was going to propose, I knew this plan but he never got the chance, Hannah broke up with him before he could propose.

I missed having Nick around, he was always super sweet to me when he was with Hannah. After they broke up I never saw Nick again. I knew Hannah saw him 6 years after they broke up at mutual friend's wedding reception in New York. Nick was one of the first to find out she was pregnant since it was right before Christmas. Hannah told me she ran into Nick and told him. I told her how shitty it was to tell him but Hannah didn't care, she was with Cole now and that's all that mattered to her.

"So..." Nick said and I looked at him and sighed.

"You want to know how she is don't you?" I asked and Nick groaned.

"She still with what's-his-face?" Nick asked and I sighed.

"Yes Nick, they are having a baby in 2 months and are engaged." I said and Nick just sighed. "Are you still hung up on my sister?" I asked and he groaned shaking his head.

"I'm not still hung up on your sister, I was just curious since I saw her last." Nick said and I half nodded.

"Yeah when she told you she was pregnant..." I said and looked at my glass in front of me.

"How are you handling it? I mean I know how moody your sister can be and I bet pregnant isn't any better." Nick said and I laughed.

"Very true. I actually talked to her on my way to the club tonight. She wants me to send her all my photos I have from our childhood because she lost all of hers." I said and Nick groaned.

"So you have to send your stuff to her?" Nick asked and I shrugged.

"If I feel like it I will do it..." I said and Nick laughed.

"That's the Zinnia I know." Nick said and I smiled at him as I took a sip of my drink.

"So besides you playing here, what are you been up to?" I asked and Nick sighed.

"Well I auditioned for Duke Terry a few months ago but that didn't pan out so I go the job here. I get to play 6 nights a week and I'm happy." Nick said and I smiled.

"That's amazing Nick. I'm happy for you." I said.

"Well what about you? What are you doing in New York?" Nick asked.

"Well I live here now. Moved right after Christmas. I needed out of DC, away from Hannah's shadow. Everywhere I went I was Zinnia, Hannah's little sister. I want my own life. I'm working as a clothing buyer at Bloomingdales and making my own life." I said and Nick smiled.

"Look at you striving out."

"I know, no one ever thought I would leave DC." I said, Nick nodded.

"I know I didn't." Nick said, I playfully shoved him. We were both silent for a minute and I sighed.

"Why are we making this awkward?" I asked and Nick looked at me confused.

"Awkward? Is this awkward?" Nick asked and I just huffed a laugh.

"Nick, you are sitting at a bar with you ex-girlfriends little sister just because I was stood up. If you feel obligated to hang out with me, please don't." I said and went to stand up. Nick groaned, tossed some money on the bar and followed me outside.

"Zin, wait..." Nick said and I stopped turning to look at him.

"What?" I asked.

"Okay listen, I know you think I'm only here to talk to you because of Hannah but in all honesty when I saw you tonight sitting at the table alone I felt so lucky to see you again. When I broke up with Hannah the one thing I hated more than the break up was never getting to see you again. We always had fun when we got to hang out Zin." Nick said and I smiled with a small nod.

"We did have some fun..." I said and Nick nodded.

"So let's get out of here..."

"What?" I asked.

"Let's get out of here, lets go live our lives and do things we want to do for once."

"And what exactly do you want to do Nick?" I asked as he held his hand out to me.

"Take you out Zinnia, on a date. What do you say?" Nick said standing there holding his hand out to me.

A/N: There is potential here for a full Nick Vaughan story. Let me know if you want more Nick and Zinnia.

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