Done - Lloyd Hansen

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"What do you mean you are leaving?!" I asked my fiancé as he packed a bag in our bedroom

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"What do you mean you are leaving?!" I asked my fiancé as he packed a bag in our bedroom.

"I'm leaving Storm, it's not that hard to understand." Lloyd said as he packed a quick bag.

"We get married in a week Lloyd!" I yelled.

"I'll be back, this going to be a quick trip. Get the hit and be back." Lloyd said.

"I never should have given you a second date 2 years ago." I said and went to walk out of the bedroom. He rushed up to me, grabbed my arm and pinned me against the wall next to the door.

"You what?" Lloyd asked.

"I shouldn't have given you the second date Hansen. You were nothing but trouble and heartbreak, albeit charming though which is why you got one." I said and he grinned at me.

"I will be back sunshine, I promise." He said. He passionately but roughly kissed me. He let me go, grabbed his bag and left the bedroom. I stay against the wall until I heard the front door close. I knew the tears could fall freely now.

*****ONE WEEK LATER*****

I was sitting in the back of the wedding venue waiting to start the wedding. No one told me if Lloyd had shown up and I was hopefully he would be back and come right to the wedding. As I was sitting in my wedding dress my dad came walking in the room.

"He here?!" I asked. My dad handed me my iPad that my niece had been using to stay busy, which I left home, so I knew something was up. I sighed and looked at everyone in the room.

"Everyone out." I said and they just looked at me. "Out!" I yelled and they all left. I turned the screen on and saw a video ready to play. I shook my head. I hit play.

"Hey Sunshine. Yes, I know what today is and yes, I know I made a promise I would be there. Something came up and it's not as easy of a job as they made it seem to be. I'm sorry about this Storm, you know it's the job though and you know it comes first, it always will. I'm not exactly sure when I will be back, but I would love to see when I finally do get back. Hopefully see you soon."

I watched the video twice and just couldn't believe this man. I didn't come first? We didn't come before the job? Our happiness, our life together...? Fine, he didn't want to put us first, he was no longer my first. I was done with Lloyd Hansen.

*****ONE YEAR LATER*****

"Storm!" I heard someone yell down the bar and I looked to see someone motioning for another beer. I opened it up and walked it down to them.

"You guys playing?" The guy asked motioning to the band setting up.

"Yeah, I'm gonna do a small set with them depending on how busy it gets." I said and smiled walking away. I headed back down the bar to add the beer to the guys tab.

"So, I go by my old house only to find a new family living in it, then I go to my fiancés parents' house only to find out she moved to a one-bedroom apartment, quit her design job and was now bartending." I heard the voice behind me say and I shook my head. I turned and he saw me. "Still as beautiful as ever." Lloyd said. I noticed his face was cut up and bruises...typical how he always used to come home.

"Fuck off Lloyd." I said and walked away and he followed me down the bar.

"Sunshine..." Lloyd groaned when he caught up to me.

"Don't!" I said and punched him in the chest. "You left for me a year and think you can come back here and just act like you didn't skip out on our wedding and have no contact with me since?!" I said pissed off.

"You know I can't call on a job." Lloyd said.

"A fucking year Lloyd!" I yelled and a couple of people looked. "You couldn't call me once to tell me you were still alive?!" I asked and he sighed and went to grab my hand and I smacked it away.

"Storm...please...why did you sell the house? I bought that for our future." Lloyd said and I laughed.

"Future?! What future?! You were gone and I was heartbroken. I couldn't stay in the house that the man I thought loved me bought it for us to live happily ever after in." I said and he groaned. "And okay I knew what you did for a living when I got together with you and I didn't like it, but I dealt with it. I dealt with you going missing, dealt with you coming home looking like you got hit by a mack truck and even accepted you when you grew the ridiculous trash stache! You walking out a week before our wedding and then sending the damn video...that was the final straw Lloyd, I'm sorry." I said and went to walk away.

"Trash stache...really? You said you liked it." Lloyd said.

"I said I would deal with it." I said correcting him.

"I want to talk about everything and about us." Lloyd said. I looked at the stage and saw the band was set up.

"I perform with the band and I wrote a song for you when you left and thought if I ever saw you again, I wanted to sing it to you. Why don't you come over and get a front row seat?" I said and Lloyd nodded and followed me over to where the small stage was. I walked up on the stage.

"You okay?" Kevin, my drummer said and I nodded.

"Yeah, just the past coming back to bite me in my ass." I said.

"Hey guys!" I said to the patrons and we got come cheers. I smiled and then looked down at Lloyd. I smiled and looked at the band.

"I want to perform the L.H. song." I said and they nodded. I never really titled it. It had a title but it was better having his initials.

"I got new song for everyone tonight for someone so special to me. This is for you babe." I said and winked at Lloyd. The band started playing and I smiled at Lloyd.

🎵You've been wearin' that crown and tearin' me down
It's been a while since you've treated me right
You strung me along for far too long cause I never gave up the fight
Until now

It's gonna hit you hard 'til you see stars
It's gonna put through you a world of hurt
Oh, I don't believe in gettin' even but gettin' what you deserve
Oh my, oh my, huh!

Mama always told me that I should play nice
She didn't know you when she gave me that advice
I'm through with you
You're one bridge I'd like to burn
Bottle up the ashes, smash the urn
I'm through with you, la-ti-da
I don't wanna be your just-for-fun
Don't wanna be under your thumb
All I wanna be is done

You crossed the line too many times
I'm gonna put you in your place
You play with dynamite
Don't be surprised when I blow up in your face
Oh my, oh my, huh

Mama always told me that I should play nice
But she didn't know you when she gave me that advice
I'm through with you
You're one bridge I'd like to burn
Bottle up the ashes, smash the urn
I'm through with you, la-ti-da
I don't wanna be part of your fun
Don't wanna be under your thumb
All I wanna be is done

Done with your selfish ways
and all the games you play
I'm through with you and everything you say

Mama told me that I should play nice
She didn't know you when she gave me that advice

Mama always told me that I should play nice
But she didn't know you when she gave me that advice
I'm through with you
You're one bridge I'd like to burn
Scatter in the ashes, smash the urn
I'm through with you, la-ti-da
I don't wanna be your just-for-fun
Don't wanna be under your thumb
All I wanna be is done
All I wanna be is done, ugh!

Once I finished the song Lloyd was fuming. He jumped up on the stage and gripped me around my waist pulling me flush to him as everyone watched.

"You will never be allowed to be done sunshine, you are always mine." Lloyd said and passionately kissed me. As this man kissed me I knew he was right...I would always be his.

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