A Day in the Park - Chris Evans

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I was going out for my usual morning run

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I was going out for my usual morning run. It was something I did every morning. It helped get me a good start to my day and there was never a lot of people in the park usually around this time. I just like to put in my air pods and just relax while I run. It was a crisp fall morning, sidewalk damp from the rain the night before, it was perfect.

I was running, finding my stride and everything was perfect. I had seen a couple of people along the way, ones I saw every morning. The new mother who looked like she could use a good few nights sleep. I saw the old couple who walked at a slow place, hand in hand like they had done every morning since they moved to the area when they were newlyweds 50 years ago. I always smiled knowing that was something I wanted but my engagement ending months ago and with no hopes of ever moving on I came to the conclusion I would be alone.

I finally knew I was at the halfway mark when I ran past the lady sitting on the bench feeding the birds...she lost her husband about 20 years ago and never remarried.

~That will be you Venus. Alone and feeding the birds in the park in your old age...~

My mind was a fickle bitch sometimes and I just wanted to scream.

I shook my head slightly as I ran a little harder. As I went around the corner everything happened so fast. As I was rounding my last corner I instantly saw a brown and white streak come into my line of vision and before I could get myself stopped running at the pace I was tripped over the leash that was controlling said white and brown dog. I toppled over and fell to the ground.

"FUCK!" I screamed and I landed on the grass and sat up.

"Shit, I'm so sorry I didn't think anyone was coming and thought he could just run." The guys voice said that was holding the leash of the dog. He skated over to me since he had on rollerblades.

To add to the apologies the dog who tripped me essentially rushed over to me, sitting beside me and licked my face.

"Dodger, stop..." I looked at the guy as he pulled his dog away.

"You seriously need to be more careful, what if I had been a kid running. Parents don't take too kindly to their kids getting plowed down by an out-of-control dog and his owner." I said getting up.

"Hey, I said I was sorry." The guy snapped.

"And I heard you but I don't think I want to accept it. Sorry, I don't take too kindly to being toppled over, skinning my hands on the pavement and rolling in the wet grass." I said.

"He has been cooped up for a few days and I just got back from -..." The guy was saying.

"Listen, no offense, I don't care...I just want to finish my run." I said and did a little stretching to make sure I could still move.

"We are sorry."

"Yeah..." I said and took off again.

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