My Life Would Suck Without You - Lloyd Hansen

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I was sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine when there was a knock on the door

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I was sitting on the couch flipping through a magazine when there was a knock on the door. Just like clockwork and I smiled to myself. I didn't even bother looking through the peephole, I knew who it was.

"Guess this means you're sorry, you're standing at my door. Said you'd never come back, but here you are again." I said and he groaned.

"I forgot my keys and I wanted to come and get my stuff." Lloyd said.

Lloyd Hansen and I...what a love story...tragic, dysfunctional, all around bad together but we loved each other and couldn't stay away. We met when we were kids when I pushed him down on the playground for pulling on my pigtails. From there we were inseparable.

I pulled his keys from my pocket and dangled them in the air.

"You mean these keys?" I asked and he growled as I backed into the apartment when he took a few steps in.

"Just give me my keys Kyra." Lloyd said lunging for them, but I ran into the apartment, and he chased me. I went into the bathroom and dangled them over the toilet.

"You wouldn't dare..." Lloyd growled.

"Wouldn't I?" I asked. I dangled them on the end of my finger, and they fell in the toilet.

"Oh, for fucks sake Kyra!" Lloyd yelled and I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom. I went to sit back on the couch and go back to looking through my magazine. Lloyd came walking in with a armful of my clothes on hangers from the closet.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled jumping up as he walked to the opened window and started throwing them out piece by piece.

"You want to put my keys in the have too many clothes." Lloyd said. I started grabbing things from him and I rushed back to the bedroom, and he followed me. I tossed my stuff on the bed and grabbed some of his things, rushing to the living room.

"KYRA!" Lloyd said as I tossed his stuff out the window.

He went over and grabbed my work files from the coffee table.

"Lloyd, don't you dare! I need those!" I yelled and he tossed them out the window. I watched the papers go flying out the window and float on air until they hit the ground. I shoved him annoyed.

"You know I could have had anyone but you! You have been nothing but a thorn in my side for 3 years!" Lloyd said and I growled and smacked him across the face.

"Then leave! Fish your keys from the toilet, your clothes have already beat you downstairs so just go!" I yelled and he walked into the bathroom as I sat back on the couch with my head in my hands.

Lloyd was in the bedroom packing up the remaining clothes. I was sitting on the couch.

Neither of us willing to admit we were wrong to the other, neither willing to admit we might be overreacting and neither of us willing to back down.

This was a common occurrence for Lloyd and I. Fight, he leaves, comes back in 3 days. Never apologizing but I always let him back in. This fight was because I was tired of being here for 3 years and never going further than being his girlfriend.

Being friends like we were our whole lives and then only deciding we wanted to date 3 years ago after my divorce and Lloyd went to work overseas for the longest time. When he came back, we reconnected and that's where we were right now.

Lloyd came walking out of the bedroom with his bag packed and I just looked at him.

"Should I suspect you back in a few days?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, this is it. I'm going back to Croatia. I can't be here or do this anymore." Lloyd said and I just stood up and looked at him.

"So, it's really over?" I asked in disbelief.

" got a piece of me Kyra, but I don't do this anymore." Lloyd said and walked over to me and kissed my forehead.

"Lloyd, I..." I started to say and then stopped.

"Don't Kyra...we know this was stupid. I will always hold you in my heart." Lloyd said and walked to the front door. He turned back to look at me. "Forever united, always best friends." Lloyd said and walked out.

When I heard the door click shut, I sat back down on the couch and the let the tears fall freely. Lloyd Hansen was a psychopath and was probably the worst thing for me but there was something about him that always pulled me back. I loved that man more than life itself and now it was done.

I sat and cried, I wasn't sure how long until I took a deep breath to calm myself. I knew I had to go get my stuff from outside...throwing things out the window...were we crazy?! I slipped on my shoes and threw open the door to find Lloyd standing there with my things in his hands and his bag on the floor beside him.

"Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye. Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight." Lloyd and I just half nodded.

"Ya think!" I said and he clenched his jaw.

"Being with you is so dysfunctional. I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up too." Lloyd said and I just slightly shook my head and looked at the floor with a smirk on my face.

"I really shouldn't miss you, but I can't let you go. cause we belong together. You said it yourself, forever united here somehow, you got a piece of me, and I got a piece of you. We can't leave each other alone." I said as Lloyd walked into the apartment.

"Kyra, I love you but damnit if you don't drive me up a fucking wall to the point, I want to kill you." Lloyd said and I just looked at him.

"Join the club babe." I said and he growled. "So, what do we do about it?"

"Then there is only one thing to do..." Lloyd said.

"What?" I asked. He rushed me, cupped my face forcefully and passionately kissed me. I moaned in the kiss and placed my hands on his chest, fisting the shirt he was wearing, holding him to me. As we broke apart, he nipped my bottom lip.

"Marry me." Lloyd stated. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's face it Kyra, no one else in this whole entire world will deal with your bullshit like no one will deal with mine. We complement each other. We belong with each other." Lloyd said.

"You're serious..." I said and he nodded. He got down on one knee and I just looked at him.

"Kyra Meadows, my life would suck without you. Will you marry me?" Lloyd asked and I smiled at him dropping to my knees to be level with him.

"You're stuck with me forever." I said and passionately kissed him.  

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