Just Stay for The Night - Chris Evans

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I walked into the hotel ballroom to my 20-year class reunion pretty excited to see everyone since I moved away right after high school. I had kept in touch with some people but not many. I had been married and recently divorced, we knew it was a bad marriage when we got married but our families thought it was a good match. It was a very amicable divorce and we were still good friends. I walked up to the bar and ordered a whiskey sour and smiled when it was set in front of me.

"Never going to change are you?" I heard a voice say coming up beside me and I smiled turning to see him.

"Well someone turned me on to them at his house party senior year and I can't seem to stop." I said and he smiled.

"Piper Stevens." He said.

"Chris Evans." I replied and then smiled.

"Or I'm sorry do you only go by Mr. Evans or am I even allowed to talk to you without asking someone if it's okay." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Ha Ha Ha." He spoke and I smiled as he pulled me into a hug. Once we released he sighed.

"So what have you been up to?" Chris asked and I sighed.

"Well, I'm still a zookeeper." I said and Chris smiled.

"You always did love animals." Chris said and I nodded.

"And that husband of yours?" Chris asked and I couldn't help but noticed the hint of distain.

"Divorced. A few years ago." I said.

"Oh Pippy, I'm sorry." Chris said calling me the nickname only I allowed him to call me when we were younger.

"It's okay honestly, we were never meant to be married Chris and you knew that when we got married." I said and he half nodded as he drank the beer her ordered.

"I never wanted to say anything...." Chris trailed off. I just shook my head.

"Well what about you? I mean you live in the public eye but anyone special you are hiding?" I asked.

"What like in my basement?" Chris asked and I laughed hysterically.

"Well maybe yeah that or just someone you are with and keeping them out of the limelight." I said and we both laughed.

"No, no one." Chris said looking down at his beer.

"What happened to the Chris who wanted a big Boston family?" I asked and he sighed.

"I guess I could never find the right girl to have it with." Chris said and I sighed.

"Hey, there is still time. We are only 38 after all...." I said and then groaned.

"38..." Chris trailed off. I shook my head and groaned.

"Wow, we are getting old." I said and Chris laughed.

"Speak for yourself..." Chris said and I playfully shoved him. Here's the backstory with Chris and I, we are best friends and were all through high school. My parents moved me to his high school first day of freshman year and Chris immediately took me under his wing and helped me out. Chris and I flirted a lot our senior year of high school but we never acted on it in fear of ruining the friendship. We did kiss but it was only for senior year play and both got cast as the leads and had to kiss in the play. We said it was weird kissing each other but I couldn't deny the feelings I had when I kissed him but I never said anything. Chris and I went to Prom together and that was when I told him of my plans to go to New York to work in the Central Park Zoo, that I had been accepting into their school and internship. He was really upset since we planned on going to California together but little did he know I never applied to any zoo's in California. I had to break ties with Chris to stop the feelings and this was the only way. He was one of the few I stayed friends with even after I left but it quickly died out when his schedule came into play and kept him busy. He was at my wedding when I got married which I was so happy about but that would probably the last time until now that I had seen him and we barely talked, a text her or there. Chris and I made the round at the reunion but ended up back at the bar never leaving each other's side. We didn't want to leave each other, this was comfortable to us. As we sat at the bar we continued to drink.

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