Criminal - Ransom Drysdale

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I was pacing in my living room in the house I shared with my fiancé Ransom Drysdale. He called on his was way from his grandfathers, told me to get the passports and get us some clothes the less the better, we could buy whatever we needed. I knew it happened he had been caught and found out. I helped him with this plan and he told me it was fool proof. We killed his grandfather and we were supposed to be able to frame his healthcare worker Marta. Ransom fucked up. He busted through the front door and rushed up to me.

"Everything done?" Ransom asked after he passionately kissed me.

"How could you fuck this up so much Ransom?!" I asked hitting him.

"I should have followed your plan but I deviated." Ransom said and I groaned.

"What are we going to do? We have to go Ransom." I said and he groaned as he grabbed my hand.

"They don't really suspect me yet but I know they are coming around to it so we have to go. We cant take the Beemer or your car either." Ransom said and I smiled.

"Already called a generic cab company." I said and Ransom moaned as he kissed me again.

"You are the best fiancé. I hate I dragged you into this." Ransom said and I shook my head.

"Harlan was a dick and had this coming for cutting you off." I said and Ransom nodded.

"I thought he slit his throat though and they were going with suicide?" I asked and Ransom shrugged.

"I have no clue, I guess there were clues, toxicology reports." Ransom said and I groaned.

"Were you seriously that sloppy Ransom?!" I asked and he groaned and ran his hands through his hair.

"I didn't think I was." Ransom said and I groaned.

"If you go down, I go down. I'm the one who told you about the switched the meds Ransom. I can't be without you." I said and Ransom rushed up me to and passionately kissed me and pinned me against the wall.

"You never will have to sweetheart. We are going to run and go somewhere and make a new life. I got some money from the trust before I got home and everything will be fine. We go this." Ransom said and I nodded.

"I love you Ransom." I said and he still had me pinned against the wall.

"I love you more." Ransom said and wickedly grinned at me.

"How long until the cab?" Ransom asked and I shrugged by smiled.

"Maybe 10 minutes." I said and he started unbuckling his pants and I smiled bunching up my skirt and removing my panties. Ransom lifted me up, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he lowered me onto him and I cried out.

"Oh fuck Drysdale!" I cried out and he smiled as his lips attacked my neck. He was pounding harder than he ever had and I just couldn't hold back.

"Wren...fuck." Ransom said.

"I'm not going to last..." I said and Ransom smiled as I crashed my lips to his.

"Cum for me baby, all over me, make it count." Ransom said as we broke apart and I cried out as I released all over him and he spurted inside of me. I rested my forehead against his as we both calmed down and I smiled at him.

"I like stressed you." I said and he laughed. He pulled out of me and we righted out clothing.

"I'm going to make sure we have everything. You wait here for the cab." Ransom said and I nodded as he walked to the bedroom. I saw a notepad and pen on the table. I needed to do something. After I was done and Ransom came back out to the living room the cab pulled up.

"Let's go." Ransom said taking my hand as we rushed to the cab.


They busted in Wren and Ransom's house after figuring everything out to find them not there.

"They ran, their passports and some clothes are missing." The one detective said coming from the bedroom.

"They left the lockbox open and all the contents were missing. Mrs. Drysdale said it was where they left the passports and all extra money." The other detective said.

"So we don't know how much of a lead they have on us or where they could even be headed." The first detective said and groaned. He saw the notepad on the table with a note and sighed.

"She left a note for her mother. Can you bring in the mothers?" The detective asked and he went to get Linda Drysdale, Ransom's Mother and Elise Monroe, Wren's mother.

"Mrs. Monroe, she left this letter for you." The detective said handing her the notepad and my mom read the note to herself as Linda read over her shoulder.


He is a hustler, he's no good at all
He is a loser, he's a bum
He lies, he bluffs, he's unreliable
He is a sucker with a gun
I know you told me I should stay away
I know you said he's just a dog astray
He's a bad boy with a tainted heart
And even I know this ain't smart

he's got my name
Tattooed on his arm, his lucky charm
So I guess it's okay, he's with me
And I hear people talk
Try to make remarks, keep us apart
But I don't even hear, I don't care

Mama, I'm in love with a criminal
And this type of love isn't rational, it's physical
Mama, please don't cry, I will be alright
All reason aside, I just can't deny, love the guy

Have a good life, I know I will.


*****NORMAL POV*****

*****1 YEAR LATER*****

"Can you believe they never caught us?" I asked Ransom as we sat in our house on one of the islands in Cape Verde. We had to go somewhere that had no United States extradition. I was holding our 3-month-old Son, Hayden.

"I told you nothing would ever tear us apart." Ransom said and passionately kissed me and then kissed Hayden's head and he laughed and reached for Ransom so he took him and lifted him in air and Hayden laughed even louder.

"I love you my criminal." I said and he smiled.

"I love you too." Ransom said. 

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