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But Xie Wei didn't ask after all, just replied: "I'm not sleepy."

Jiang Xuening went to sit opposite him, bent over and pulled a few branches beside him, and muttered: "I've been asleep for a while, I'm watching the fire, seeing that the snow can't stop for a while, even if I'm not sleepy , sir, go to rest for a while too. In this weather, the less you rest, the easier it is to get sick. You are about to collapse, isn't it me who is in trouble?"

This is awkward.

It's a bit embarrassing.

She knew it herself, so after she finished speaking, she just buried her head in adding firewood to the fire without looking up.

Xie Wei gave a low laugh inexplicably, looked at the firewood she added, and reminded lightly: "I can't help but burn it, throw it away slowly."

Jiang Xuening: "..."

She had a heart attack for a moment, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the slight arc of a smile on Xie Wei's lips, and swallowed the "Do you still need to remind me" that had reached her lips, and hummed softly: "Got it!" , sleep with you."

Xie Wei stared at her for a while, but finally closed his eyes slowly.

He didn't lie down on the hay.

He just copied his hands, raised his head slightly and leaned against the rock wall behind to doze off.

Xie Wei didn't want to fall asleep.

But such a night is destined not to be peaceful.

Almost at the moment when he closed his eyes, the endless **** torrent of the old days swept towards him like a nightmare, like knocking down a thousand-year-old cliff, destroying a towering and lush tree, and carrying him with him wrap...

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free.

He fell into an uneasy dream.

In the early morning sky, the glazed tiles of the Jiuzhong Palace are stacked one on top of the other, majestic and majestic.

The new snow was so white that it reflected the joy on the faces of the welcoming palace guests.

The young woman stopped, straightened his sleeves for him, and said to him with a slight smile: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year. This winter, the harvest will be good, and the people will be happier."

That face should be beautiful and bright.

But no matter how hard he tried, he could only remember some vague details, piecing together a vague outline.

Only the temperature of the palm that led him forward was deeply imprinted.

Stepping into the palace gate step by step, walking along the long road, climbing up the steps, and bowing down to worship after her.

People in Chinese costumes mingled with each other and chatted happily.

Prince Shen Lang came in with several other companions, and dragged him to play chess with the Pian Hall.

After playing a few games, he became sleepy.

The young woman came, and the palace servants took him into the Nuan Pavilion to sleep.

He had a dream.

I dreamed that in summer, the newly planted cherry tree in my uncle's house bears bright red fruits; The cook finally made a plate of delicious peach slice cake, he laughed and was about to run outside after carrying it...

Then he fell and woke up suddenly.

When he opened his eyes, it was already dark outside, and there was not a single servant in the Nuan Pavilion.

A Lady's Tranquility 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang