Chapter 3

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ALT Chapter 3.1 Return Home
What a big talk.

However, Shen Jie calculated his age, in two more months he will have a capping ceremony. It was indeed time to talk about marriage.

  He said with a smile, "This thought of yours, did the Marquis know about it?"

"He knows."

Yan Lin, with the sword at his waist, turned his wrist and flung the whip casually. His bearing is natural and unrestrained.

The Ninth Layer Precinct of the Imperial Palace is just ahead.

  He took off his sword first, and then said: "Father said that the Jiang Mansion is the successor family of poetry and literature, and now Jiang Daren is the Assistant Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, and what he has in his palm is an actual official post with actual work. In the early years when His Majesty ascended the throne, he secretly sent Teacher Xie into the Capital, which could be regarded as having a long meritorious service, and he is also friends with Teacher Xie. She is the legitimate daughter of the Jiang family, and can still be forcefully regarded as a marriage of equal social rank with me. After my capping ceremonies in November is over, I will ask someone to come to their door to propose the marriage."

"You, kid, usually doesn't pay any attention to those sons of the rich in the Capital. The notable young ladies and fair maidens are flattering you, but you also did not pay even the slightest attention to them. This king thought that because you are still young, you don't know the matter about man and woman, and is one with a pure heart and few desires. Who would have thought that you have already calculated it all behind? One really can't tell, huh!"

Shen Jie thought about it carefully, and then his senses slowly returned.

  "Moreover, after I got drunk last night, I didn't conduct myself impetuously. It's just that when I woke up this morning, I accidentally hung my hand over her shoulder and you already rushed to tell me her identity as a girl and also said that you would marry her yourself in the future. Yan Lin, isn't that being too protective?"

  As the saying goes, 'a friend's wife shall not be coveted'. Yan Lin's previous remarks, in addition to reminding Shen Jie that Jiang Xuening is a girl and he should keep some distance from her in the future, it also clearly encircled Jiang Xuening into his possession and stamped her with his seal, so as to stop other people's mind to covet her even before they came up with any ideas.

The teenager's little thought was seen through by another person. It was rare for his handsome face to turn slightly red, but his voice is louder than before, as if he could cover up something by behaving like this: "What's wrong with being protective? I'm willing to anyway!"

Just so overbearing like this.

  Shen Jie couldn't help but laughed when he heard this.

The two stopped in front of the Imperial Palace's main gate.

  Yan Lin handed over his sword, and together with Shen Jie, they passed the Huiji[1] Gate and went to the right towards the Wenhua Hall.

Shen Jie's royal brother, that is, the current Emperor Shen Lang, was enthroned four years ago.

In any dynasty, the year where the new Emperor ascended the throne, is an extremely dangerous one.

The year when Shen Lang ascended the throne was no exception either.

  The late Emperor became muddled because of his illness. He punished Shen Lang by forbidding him from leaving the Palace, but somehow lost his mind and wanted to send him to the fief. For a moment, all the ministers under him were thrown into confusion. Fortunately, Xie Wei entered the capital. It could be said as truly roaring across the horizon. First, he stabilized Shen Lang's power in the Capital, and then he asked a famous doctor to cure the late Emperor's illness. Only then did the late Emperor issued an imperial edict to pass his throne down to the third prince, Shen Lang.

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