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"It's really that little **** who made a move on me, even grabbed the bench, and I didn't even dare to touch her! It was Jiang Xuening who instigated that **** to do it on purpose!"

"She has always been bullied by you, how dare she hit you?!"

"Really, Daddy, I didn't lie, you listen to my explanation..."

"It's all right for you to be domineering in the mansion, but you still beat her when you go out. If it spreads, people will say what about the uncle's mansion? You even asked people to take advantage of it, and recruited people from Jinyiwei to arrest you all! I don't know how much money the government spent to get you out?"


"Thirteen thousand taels, a whole thirteen thousand taels, all gone!"


Because others spread rumors that she and You Fangyin were the ones who were arrested and interrogated by Jin Yiwei's people, so everyone in the uncle's house thought that she was the one who attacked You Fangyin when she was out of the house, and that's why they encountered this difficulty.

Even Uncle Qingyuan thought so.

After all, who can believe that a coward like You Fangyin, who can bully her even with a lowly servant girl in the house, can take the initiative to take the initiative to deal with You Yue, the first lady who is almost choking her life?

It's like lying without knowing how to choose a credible statement!

You Yue has nowhere to defend against Uncle Qingyuan's fury!

I was locked up in the prison all night, cold and hungry, and the guards were extremely vicious. They gave me cold food with a rotten taste, and didn't even light a lamp at night. In the dark, I could hear the sound of mice crawling and calling, and I was so frightened. She screamed like hell...

The whole night passed, but he didn't dare to close his eyes.

By the time the uncle's house came to pick her up the next morning, her eyes were already swollen from crying, her eyes were bloodshot, her dress was dirty, her hair was messed up, and she threw herself into Mrs. Uncle's arms and wept uncontrollably. .

You Yue originally thought that after returning to the mansion, this nightmare should be over.

Unexpectedly, that was just the beginning.

Just after returning to the mansion, her father scolded her, ordered her to kneel on the ground, and asked her how she caused such a disaster, and said that if she hadn't bullied and beaten You Fangyin, Jin Yiwei would never have been attracted!

God knows the truth is that You Fangyin took the lead to grab the bench and beat her!

At that time, she didn't even have the guts to fight back!

But who told her that she was used to bullying You Fang and used the truth to defend herself, from her parents to her maids, no one believed her, instead they all frowned, thinking that she was looking for excuses for herself and shirking responsibility !

Moreover, 13,000 taels!

How much would that be!

You Yue's eyes widened: "Father, are you crazy? How can you give them 13,000 taels?! That newcomer Zhou Qianhu in Jinyiwei is in collusion with Jiang Xuening! The money is in his hands and he followed it It's the same in Jiang Xuening's hand! I know, I know..."

When she said this, her face suddenly twisted.

"This is a game, a trap! Daddy, you believe me, that little **** Jiang Xuening deliberately instigated You Fangyin to beat me, and then deliberately reported to the officials to call that Zhou to come, so as to deceive our uncle's mansion." Money! Since they dare to do this kind of thing and force daddy to take the money, we might as well sue them in the palace, and they will definitely be able to get away with it!"

A Lady's Tranquility 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang