Chapter 580: The weak chicken's strong counterattack (11)

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Xu Zicheng's original important opportunities also included cultivation techniques, spiritual liquid pools, ancient gods, rescued the Xuanmen genius, and rescued the research team.

Changsheng ruined the cultivation method, let Shaohua fake an extremely profound Buddhist scripture and put some traps around the Buddhist scriptures. The idea of ​​the trap was Shaohua's idea.

Then Changsheng took the spiritual liquid pool directly into the deep hole in Xu Zifan's space, which was dug by Shaohua. The place where the spiritual liquid was originally placed was attracted by Changsheng a pile of silt garbage and green smelly water. The smell could almost faint people.

The ancient **** soldier was put into the space by the longevity, and a lot of mouse traps and thunder explosion talismans were ambushed at the location of the ancient **** soldier.

Changsheng and Shaohua cooperated in a very tacit understanding. If it hadn't been for Xu Zifan who had to come back to protect "the power of the chicken without the power of the contract beast", it would want to stay and watch the fun!

During the few days when Changsheng was away, Xu Zicheng cared very much about Xu Zifan's state. After all, if something happened to Changsheng, Xu Zifan would also follow it. This kind of invisible and helpless situation is hard to be reassuring.

Xu Zifan said to Xu Zicheng every time: "Brother, I feel that my body is better than before. Changsheng must have absorbed a lot of crystal nuclei."

Xu Zicheng said earnestly: "Everything you can't rely on for longevity, you learn a little self-defense, and then learn shooting."

Xu Zifan agreed without saying anything, "Okay, brother, there is a hillside over there, and there are few zombies. Let's go and find out if there are any medicinal materials."

"Okay, everyone, be careful." Xu Zicheng drove the car and took the lead to get out of the car and kill a zombie.

Xu Zifan took a Tang knife and went straight to the zombie. Just as Xu Zicheng was about to shout "careful", he saw Xu Zifan picking up the knife and falling, and the head of the zombie was cut in half!

Xu Zicheng closed his mouth, and said, "Fanfan, you are amazing!"

Xu Zifan returned his hand and chopped down another zombie, and said with a smile: "Of course, I always said that if I upgrade my longevity, I will become better too. You don't believe me, brother.

"I believe it, I'm replying to this letter." Xu Zicheng saw his younger brother cut the zombies cleanly and neatly. His skill and strength were so strong that he was finally at ease. When he started his hands again, he smiled.

Han Sitong, Han Siyu, and Xu Peng all shot and killed the zombies, and a few people cleaned up the nearby zombies. Then they formed a defensive circle and asked Xu Zifan to gather medicinal materials and wild vegetables among them.

They have done this these days. In the past, Han Sitong and Xu Zicheng only knew that Xu Zifan likes to raise plants and animals. They didn't know that he was so capable. He knew all kinds of plants in the wild, and he also understood the habits of animals, so he could avoid large plants. Mutant beast.

A hobby of having fun at the beginning has become a practical skill in the last days. With Xu Zifan, their food has improved a lot. Every day they have meat, vegetables and fruits. The days are nourished a lot and everyone smiles more.

And the longevity is not there, Xu Zifan's daily improvement skills are seen by everyone. His past weak image has been unknowingly reversed. Now he is also a strong player in the team that cannot be underestimated. Their small team has great strength. increase.

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