Chapter 541: Dress as a substitute for marriage sickness (18)

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When someone talks about Lin Ruoshan, someone will help her. Everyone is puzzled. Even Lin Ruoshan can like it. Isn't it a brain disease? Soon a news spread quickly. It turns out that the reason why those people helped Lin Ruoshan speak was completely afraid that Lin Ruoshan could not want to stop making wine, and that wine would be of great benefit to the body.

This statement attracted everyone's attention. At first, they scoffed at the claim that wine is more effective than medicine, but then a family member who had a good incident bought Lin's wine for the patient to drink when he had a fever, and the patient recovered soon. The whole town was in an uproar, and anyone who had some spare money had to buy a pot of Lin's wine to try the effect. Of course, the argument that Lin's wine was better than potions became more and more widespread, even the county magistrates had heard of it.

The county magistrate specifically asked officials to find Lin Fu's family and asked, "Does your wine really have medicinal effects? It's about the people's health. Don't talk nonsense about this."

Lin Fu broke out in a cold sweat when he saw the prefect, and was subconsciously afraid. He lowered his head and said, "My lord, this wine is made by the little girl alone. Without the hands of others, the grass people don't know what's in it, but the grass people drink it. It is indeed very good for the body. The grassroots have never been ill in the past year. There are some medicinal effects when they want to come and think about it. But how effective is this medicine? The adults and the grassroots don't know much about medicine. I'm afraid I don't know much about it. I only know this wine. It's good."

The county magistrate looked at Lin Ruoshan. Lin Ruoshan paled and said in fear: "My lord, people do not understand medicine. Drinking is good."

The magistrate frowned, "Take out the recipe for wine making and show it to the doctor. Don't worry, the official guarantees that the recipe will not be passed on."

Lin Ruoshan's heart was pounding, she took out a recipe, and stammered: "My lord, this is the recipe for the wine I brew, but with the same recipe, everyone makes different wines. 、Maybe Minnu's brewing methods are different, so it's good for the body."

After reading the prescription, the doctor said that it was just an ordinary brewing prescription. The county magistrate didn't look good, thinking that this must be because Lin Ruoshan didn't trust him and didn't show him the real prescription. There was no evidence for this kind of thing, and he couldn't force Lin Ruoshan to come up with a real prescription, so he had to open a jar of wine on the spot and let the three doctors examine it together.

The three doctors tasted and tasted, and in the end they all shook their heads. They couldn't see any medicinal materials in the wine. They could only confirm that the wine could prolong life, rejuvenate the face, nourish qi and blood, and cure diseases.

This is so amazing. The magistrate couldn't ask anything. He asked them to leave, thinking about it, treating it as a miracle, and writing it in the memorial.

Mr. Liang, the prefect, was a little curious when he saw the memorial, and asked someone to inquire about it, and found that Lin Ruoshan and Xu Zifan had quite a relationship. After he understood the cause and effect, he disliked Lin Ruoshan and his parents, but if the wine made by Lin Ruoshan had miraculous effects, it could also benefit the people, he immediately sent someone to the town to investigate.

Lord Liang's confidant went to the town and asked to see Lin Ruoshan making wine with his own eyes. The matter had already gone to the prefect. Lin Fu was so frightened that he repeatedly urged Lin Ruoshan not to hide her secrets and quickly handed over the true prescription. They dare not have any trouble with the prefect. What was concealed, it was a fourth-rank high official!

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