Chapter 574. First Item sold. Tengliu's influence.

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The female auctioneer smiled and spoke with enthusiasm. "Welcome to the last day of the Brilliant Auction House Anniversary Event. Today, we have almost four hundred items to sell. All of them in the peak-level Earth rank or above! The selling methodology to auctioning will be similar to the other days."

"First, we'll give an initial price, and the minimum increment will be said simultaneously. Normally, it will be ten percent of the initial price."

"We'll go item by item, and we'll do an extensive introduction to every single piece of today's precious merchandise."

"You have four calls to interject with a bid. If I finish my call before you enter the bid, then the bid is invalid! I have seen some guests who like to wait until the last second. Please, be careful and evaluate the situations accordingly."

The person speaking was a dragon woman.

She had lavender-colored wings, horns, and tail. Her body was half-covered with scales around her visible body parts. Beautifully contrasting, her blue eyes and black hair complimented her beauty.

Her skin was tanned, following a milk-coffee-colored skin, and her body followed the typical one for most dragon-related women. Her chest was bulging, her waist was narrow, and her hips were wide, creating an unreal hourglass shape that seductively bounced thanks to the tight dress with a wide cleavage.

Yasenia chuckled and commented. "If Evelyn was here, she would be drooling. Her light gray dress is quite revealing, after all."

Cecile's and Tatyana's lips arched a bit, amused.

The woman continued speaking a few rules to take into account, nothing that affected Yasenia. However, there was a rule that wasn't mentioned and made Yasenia's eyebrow gently lift.

She looked at Carbira and asked. "Are powers allowed to use their names to intimidate other competitors? There weren't any rules mentioned that punished this behavior."

Tengliu tilted her head. "Why would there be a rule like that? I've gone to many auction houses, and none of them have this system implemented."

Yasenia looked incredible. "Really? I mean, the price of the items will be much cheaper if people begin throwing their names around. It basically kills the auction's purpose. Moreover, if someone goes against them unless the one competing is a power of similar strength, the ending will be being robbed nine out of ten times."

Tengliu nodded. "That's true, but clans that are enemies may begin a beef and keep increasing the value of an item by a lot out of spite. It goes both ways."

Yasenia sighed. "But smaller powers will be unable to spend any wealth because of the risk."

Tengliu argued. "Larger powers have stronger economic powers. If they can make those major powers comfortable, the smaller ones don't matter. Moreover, the first two days were small-power-friendly. Having this last day be a brutal all-for-all with basically no rules is a plus."

Yasenia counter argued. "You have a point. Nevertheless, wouldn't those powers that lose something they've gained interest in become resentful at the auction house for allowing this suppression method?"

Yasenia continued. "Moreover, being a small power doesn't mean having small capital. Look at Jorey's group, for example. As a merchant group, their economic power is much higher than their strength. These medium powers will be suppressed."

Tengliu shrugged. "When interests meet, resentment will naturally appear no matter what you do. Hence, instead of a medium power, a major power might become resentful because they couldn't use their authority to gain what they wanted because of lack of capital, right?"

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