Chapter 535. Kaleina's baby steps. Drasha's return.

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The following day, Yasenia woke up to the licking of someone. She could feel that her dears were still asleep because of the weight on her arms and body.

'Who might it be?'

She slowly opened her eyes and revealed her beautiful, misty golden iris.

After blinking the haze away, she turned and registered that the one licking her was her dear Kaleina. Yasenia's tail wagged sleepily as she nuzzled with the little dragoness. "Good morning, love."


A milky and crisp voice tingled Yasenia's ears, making her eyes widen with surprise. "Kaleina?"

Yasenia looked closely and saw the mouth of the small dragon opening as her little arms surrounded her face. "Mommy~, morning!"

The soft and tender voice of Kaleina seemed to make everything around her look prettier. Yasenia's chest welled up with emotion as her eyes shone with happiness. "Oh, my baby~. Did you learn to speak?"

Yasenia used her energy to move her dears around so that she could hug her.

She was careful with it so they didn't wake up.

Between them, only Cecile and Tatyana reacted. Cecile was awakened by the flood of happiness coming from Yasenia's heart.

Kali and Angel were deeply asleep, and the connection was weaker, hence their lack of reaction.

When Tatyana and Cecile opened their eyes and looked to the side, they saw Yasenia cradling her baby, wearing her black lace gown.

"Baby, call mommy again. I want to hear your voice."


Yasenia laughed with joy. "Yes! Good job, my clever girl. What else can you say? How about I love you?"

Kaleina opened her mouth and exclaimed in a babbling tone. "Wuv you!"

Yasenia kissed her cheeks and body and laughed happily. "Oh my, I love you too, my baby."

Kaleina made a gurgling laughter noise and repeated. "Wuv you!"

"Yes, yes. Mommy loves you too! Try saying. I want a hug."

"Wan hugh?"

"Kya! Of course, Mommy will give you lots of hugs!"

Tatyana and Cecile smiled softly. Cecile asked while she watched them interact. "Is this the effect of the Demon Emperor nail she ate?"

Tatyana nodded. "She has also grown a bit. With her current size, hiding in her mother's breasts will be a bit more difficult, hahaha."

Cecile chuckled. "She is about eighty centimeters. If she curls her body, Yasenia's bosom should still be available."

Tatyana sighed. "Well, mine is out of the question. I'm not big enough to hold her."

Cecile lifted her eyebrow. "Oh? Will you miss it?"

Tatyana smiled. "A little bit. Kaleina is quite a cute thing, after all."

Cecile nodded. "I can't say no to that."

The other girls began waking up because Yasenia's tail wags unconsciously tapped the ground, creating noise.

Their ears were soon filled with a child's bubbly laughter and Yasenia's loving voice.

"Baby, my baby. You are so cute~."

"Hugh! Kiss!"

"Of course, of course. Mommy will give you as many as you want."

Heaven, Earth, Me 3 (GL)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora