Chapter 557. Treasure pricing. First Heaven-ranked sale.

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After the sky outside had already begun darkening, Yasenia's attention went to her room's balcony.

The last two items would be auctioned in this main Auction Hall, which was reserved for special occasions. It was massive, with even a place for a small crowd of giant people. This room alone could hold about 10,000 people and 50 giants.

Yasenia leaned on the railing and rested her chin on her hand. "There are no free seats. Very impressive."

Carbira commented. "It is probably the first time for most of them to see a Heaven-ranked item up close."

Cecile. "Are people so out of touch with them?"

Carbira sighed. "I don't know how you perceive Heaven-ranked items, but plenty of cultivators with Hanna's strength have yet to see a Heaven-ranked item."

A long tail pats Cecile's head. While half turning her face, she smiled. "Remember where we are, dear. Although there are many that have come from afar to this auction event, this is quite a remote place."

Yasenia was alluding to the continent, but the other two considered she was talking about Koran City being a remote place.

The person auctioning was a woman from a feline race wearing a formal dress. "Hello, and thank you for coming. Our Brilliant Auction House is delighted to see the anniversary event's popularity. I recommend coming back later. Our products are good even considering a central city's standards!"

The woman's voice was smooth, pleasant, clear, and easy to understand.

"Leaving aside pleasantries, let's start with today's main event."

The woman moved to the side of the large stage and waited until two people pushed two carts hidden by a green mantle.

Most people had seen the items before, but to keep the focus on the one being sold, keeping the other hidden was a proper way of dealing with it.

The woman moved toward one of them and smiled. "Without further teasing all of you, let's reveal one of the two last items you have been waiting for. They are incredible Masterpieces created by the recently formed Astral Sky Clan."

Yasenia lifted her eyebrow and glanced at Carbira. Carbira coughed and looked to the side. "It was not my idea."

Yasenia smirked. "Right."

'Whoever did this has extra ideas.'

Cecile asked. 'Is it something bad?'

Yasenia shook her head. 'Don't worry. It's nothing. Little and stupid tricks that are done because of either petty or with the intention of currying favor.'

The woman continued with a smile. "The leader of this uprising power is a divinely beautiful dragon whom our leader greatly appreciates. For reference, from all the items she presented for our anniversary auction event, the two that will be exposed are the weakest!"

The curtains of the treasure at the right lifted, and the sword was revealed, resting on a sword-holding item and inside a crystal box that only enhanced the item's beauty.

The lighting highlighted their design, making them glow with gorgeous colors.

Naturally, some people had never seen something like this, so conversation was lively in the hall.

"These are the weakest treasures? My heavens, they look more imposing than my family relic!"

"Either the leader is a spendthrift, or they can produce treasures like these regularly."

"Maybe they went all out to get themselves known?"

"I've heard their participants in the Torrent City tournament took very high places."

Heaven, Earth, Me 3 (GL)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang