Chapter 491.Chapter 491. Andrea's doubts. Blacksmithing Competition.

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Meanwhile, the other people looked with interest at Angel. They didn't expect this human woman to be so talented in formations that she almost won the competition.

Even the judge found it worth speaking with her and getting close to her. It was strange in this world where most of the population looked down on humans.

Yet, looking at how snugly the little human fit between Yasenia's arms, they could more or less understand. Angel's low stature and soft body must be extremely delightful to hug.

Your arms would go over her shoulders comfortably, and her arms would circle your waist while she buried her face in your chest. It was a really cozy and snug experience.

Elder Song at the side commented. "Lady Yasenia's humans are different. They are all so talented and good-looking. Moreover, how to say it... They feel different."

Yasenia proudly smiled and answered. "My little dears are the best. It's a matter of course that you would think like that."

"I can see that, haha."

Jorey looked at Andrea and Tatyana and pondered a few things. 'Are these two as skilled as the other two humans? I wouldn't be surprised, to be honest.'

She decided to ask instead of thinking about it. "Are you two as skilled as Evelyn and Angel? I wouldn't be shocked if you answered yes, but I'm curious."

Tatyana humbly smiled and spoke calmly. "You are overestimating me, Lady Jorey. I'm just good with words. My proficiency is far below they, who were trained as Spirit Profession masters."

Yasenia and the others had to hold back from rolling their eyes. 'A tiger in sheep's clothing is not enough to measure the level of deceit she is pulling off. The level is almost literally that of a goddess in mortal clothing!'

"Good with words? What do you mean by that?"

Tatyana explained. "I excel at managerial skills. All my talents are focused on creating plans, sorting out information, and, in general, helping the Matriarch lighten her workload."

"Ho? So you are something similar to Lady Yasenia's right-hand woman?"

"Far from it, Lady Jorey. There are people like that that are not present today already. I'm a little extra helper." Tatyana answered smoothly and calmly, her bearing making a few take a second look.

Although Tatyana was trying to act like a lower-class person, her innate elegance and authority couldn't be ignored.

"What about you, Andrea? Are you as good as your other two slave sisters?"

Andrea felt funny when she heard that term. 'Slave sisters? Quite a unique way of grouping us up.'

Our tall woman pondered and then answered. "I'm a bit more experienced than them. My age is greater, after all. Regardless, I shouldn't be as good as little Angel."

Angel instantly denied it. "Andrea, you are very strong! I'm probably not as good as you!"

Andrea chuckled, and Yasenia couldn't help but frown for a second. 'Sigh, is my darling beginning to lose confidence? Well, she has always been someone who self-criticizes a lot. My darling always looks at herself strictly and objectively, so she should be taking into account Angel's saint inheritance before making the evaluation.'

Yasenia sighed again. 'Yet, she currently should be better than Angel profession-wise. Andrea has a decade more than Angel of experience. Even if my baby is a genius, isn't Andrea also a blacksmithing genius? She even impressed one of Mom's direct subordinates, Aunty Irina, which says a lot. If I didn't come by, darling would've probably developed to work for Mom in the future.'

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