Chapter 522. Land Changing Explosion.

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The absolutely terrifying howl of the Soul Hound reverberated across the whole mountain range after Yasenia blasted the formation into pieces.

The piercing sound was so harsh that a few juniors felt their eardrums pop, losing their hearing momentarily.

Thankfully, this kind of injury was quickly healed with a low-level pill.


Elder Mao ignored the Soul Hound's laments and shouted. "Take the juniors and escape! We will hold back the Soul Hound until then!"


While the Soul Hound shrieked these words, all other plant creatures beside it lost their forms and fell dead one after another.

The real reason was the Formation's destruction. However, the reason all of them saw this happen was that the creature's body was inflating as threads of green energy rushed toward it from all around the mountain range.

At first, they didn't know what it was doing. However, after a few seconds, all those who understood had their changes twisted with horror.


The giant monstrosity released an angry piercing screech and suddenly ballooned up.

Without maintaining her usual calmness, Elder Song screamed, horrified. "RUN! IT IS BLOWING UP!"

All seniors picked up their juniors and flashed away at their top speed, even using one-time-use treasures to create distance between them and the Soul Hound's inflating body.

Yasenia swooped down and gathered everyone while using her top speed with her still-enhanced [Sun Dragon Body] activated. She was like a flash of golden light as Andrea, Kali, Evelyn, and even Sierra were swept up by her.

Her limbs carried Sierra while the others were on her back. Although Sierra was an eight-meter-tall wolf, for the twenty-five-meter-tall dragoness, she was small.

Sierra's face was strange. 'I feel like a prey caught by a predator.'

Then, while she prepared to escape, she made a wild turn and swept into her initial crater, using her mouth to bite a large chunk of earth where Tatyana was.

Elder Mao and Elder Song were paying attention and were stunned at that last twist. Elder Song shouted. "LADY YASENIA! RUN FASTER!"

Yasenia nodded and used her top speed enhanced by her [Heavenly Constellation Steps].

Her speed was so fast that she shortened the distance between them and managed to fly right above their head when the explosion happened.

The Elders saw Yasenia's golden dragon body right above them as they escaped, reassuring them.

However, this reassurance only lasted until the explosion happened.

First, a tsunami of light drowned everything, robbing them of their sight.

Like the impact of a kilometric meteor onto the ground, the creature exploded in a nova of annihilation that moved at tremendous speeds. It was many times faster than the escaping people.

Yasenia felt her muscles tense as the feeling of death rushed behind her.

The explosion radius reached tens of kilometers as the heat wave set on fire hundreds of kilometers around it instantly.

Every tree, creature, and hair that wasn't protected by a good enough energy barrier caught fire because of the thermal pulse.

It was not that big of a problem for the escaping cultivators because the seniors' aura could protect them from this.

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