Chapter 511. Planning the Ambush.

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Yasenia looked at the tall mountain and pondered. "As Kali said, here is a good place to set up everything. Hmm, Angel dear, how skilled are you in this kind of large-scale formation-building?"

Angel looked at the mountain peak and asked. "You want me to create a formation big enough to cover this whole mountain?"

Yasenia nodded. "Yes. I don't know if you are skilled enough, though. Moreover, it will probably have to resist constant attacks from many cultivators as well as having enough strength to fight against them."

Angel didn't give an answer right away and analyzed the surroundings.

She flew upwards rapidly, and the others followed. Angel was the core of this operation, so until she started, the rest of our girls could not do anything.

Mirrory, Tatyana, and Valeria just followed behind, leisurely observing their actions.

Yasenia's mind entered her serious thinking mode, and her aura became sharper.

"What do you think, Angel?"

Angel was also serious and answered with a calm tone. "The time I'll need will be the most restraining factor. Creating a formation powerful enough for what you want me to do in this short time frame is impossible. Moreover, time is still ticking, and I must plan everything."

Yasenia nodded and commented. "Planning it is good enough. This time, I want to also have in mind how strong our seniors really are. Therefore, we'll do the planning this time, and they'll do the building. I want to use Tatyana's formation skills with Mirrory as an aide with Valeria's skills as a core for the effects."

Kali asked. "I suppose you want to use Valeria's skills because I would be the one contributing to the formation's attack patterns."

Yasenia nodded. "Correct. I want your and Evelyn's skills to be the core of our attack and defensive formations for ambushes. The combination of storm and nature attacks is perfect. Andrea's skills are powerful but not as good with large-scale armies."

Evelyn frowned. "I disagree. Andrea's Sun and Metal skills combine in powerful area-of-effect attacks. Fighting against Andrea is like fighting in an inferno that consumes everything in its way."

Yasenia refuted. "You are right. However, what about when the enemies are in the hundreds? What if the terrain is not a small arena but this whole mountain? We are not strong enough yet to cover this terrain even while enhancing everything with the formations. Conversely, your fast lightning attribute and Kali's ability to create armies that sustain, heal, and multiply themselves is much better."

Andrea asked. "You mainly want to use Kali's army formation skills, so my Sun attribute would actually be in the way, right?"

"Yes. Andrea, you are the strongest when fighting on the front lines. However, Kali is the strongest when two armies are fighting, and she unleashes her powers."

Andrea asked. "What about Angel?"

Yasenia shook her head. "Angel's army-building skills are powerful, but they are too telling. Who else in this continent can create glass-attributed creatures to fight off enemies? Using intelligent dryads or plant creatures can mask the attack like an ambush from an unknown third party."

Evelyn realized. "Right, we are not only choosing the strongest but also something that can pass under the radar even when we use our skills in the future."

Kali asked. "But, if I use summoning skills in the future, won't it be the same?"

Yasenia shook her head. "Not at all. Plant creatures exist by themselves. Moreover, there are clans made of them. At least, there should be if Ghana hasn't lied in her reports."

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