Chapter 586. Spending Quality Time With Kali.

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While all of this happened, a certain fox was concocting pills in her alchemy room.

Yasenia arrived and silently opened the door, secretly looking inside.

She saw how Kali created her pills, and there was an extra person, or well, cute dragoness present in the alchemy room.

It took a bit of time to spot her because Kaleina was moving around Kali's three thick and fluffy tails.

Kaleina spent time with the other girls when Yasenia was doing something, or she was not present, and today, Kali was the one in charge of the cute creature.

While concocting, the Lady Fox made sure to keep a part of her spiritual sense on her to avoid any dangers.

Not that she needed to because, as previously stated, the little dragon was slithering between her large fox tails.

Little Kaleina loved her fur's softness and the light earthly scent that recreated nature.

The dragoness grabbed around and moved, diving into the light green fur and exiting a few moments later.

She blinked her jewel-like golden eyes and looked at Kali's back. Then, she called her with her crispy and young cute voice.

"Kali Mama!"

Kaleina's crisp voice entered her big fox ears, making them twitch and turn in the direction of the sound.

The Fox Lady smiled and asked. "Yes, dear? Do you want something?"

After much consideration, they decided their children would call them Mama and their name, while Yasenia would be Mommy, Mother, or whatever the children were comfortable with. This way, every child would feel included, and the mothers would also feel close to each of them.

Kali finished concocting the batch of pills and put out the Alchemy fire.

Her tails moved, and she carried Kaleina into her arms. The little dragon was already as long as their torso if stretched in a line.

The juvenile snake-like length made her much prettier than the little noddle that fit snugly in their hand a month ago.

Her lustrous purple scales adorned by the developing gold-colored patterns and those moist and soft golden reptilian eyes tickled Kali's motherly instinct, making her lean downwards and kiss her little head.

"Kali Mama! Eat! Hungry!"

Kali looked at how the little claws pointed at the side, the plate with the recently baked pills. Kali shook her head with a small laugh. "You can't eat those yet, dear. You are too young."

Kaleina half understood and nodded. Then, she began trying to open Kali's dress, making the fox woman feel amused. 'Does she want me to breastfeed her? Sorry, dear, but I don't know how to produce milk yet.'

The little dragon tried to open her clothes for a bit, and not being too successful, she frowned and looked at Kali, making one crisp and beautiful exclamation. "Hungry!"

Kali laughed and summoned a bottle with Yasenia's breast milk and a bottle nipple from her spatial ring. "Here it is, dearest. It's quite late, so I don't know when your Mommy will return, but this should do until then."

She approached it to her mouth and cradled her body so that she was comfortable. "Here, love."

Kaleina used her claws to grab the bottle nipple and bit down to suck. Out of instinct, as she did with Yasenia's breast, her body coiled around the bottle, and she squeezed.

Kali blinked at the strength of her bite and how the bottle was squashed by the young dragon's strength. Moreover, the row of sharp teeth that had already grown seemed to sink into the nipple, piercing it in a few places. 'This bottle is a mid-level Spirit-Rank treasure... Does Yasenia not feel pain?'

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