Chapter 494. Andrea's Enlightenment and Intent.

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Meanwhile, inside the dome, it looked like a different World.

Andrea was going through the labor-intensive motions of forging while slowly making the armor come to life.

Her mind was in place, and everything she wanted to do was connected in her head.

Her muscles moved in sync and coordinated as she hammered the metal plates and gave them shape.

However, Andrea's enlightenment significantly differed from Yasenia's previous enlightenment about Blacksmithing. Her deep knowledge and experience in the craft allowed her to utilize this enlightenment efficiently.

The aura around her was also deep and ethereal.

If someone tried to feel it, they would realize that a presence encompassing many things was present. It was profound and mysterious, as if it were the essence of the craft itself.

It was intent.

Andrea was developing her first intent. She understood it was the [Alloy Weaver Intent].

An intent that encompassed metallurgy, metalwork, and everything related.

As her intent flowed around her, her grasp of every type of metal and process became flawless.

With such concentration and auras surrounding her, she began working at a speed that would scare even herself.

The first step when blacksmithing a Spirit Armor was to create every component.

The process was much more complex than when making a weapon since it consisted of intricate and expert metalwork.

Moreover, as she was in the middle of her Enlightenment, this work would set the foundation for her future blacksmithing.

It was Andrea's first step in branching into her path and ascending to a promising and boundless future.

Andrea's thoughts revolved around the idea of mixing the three blacksmithing methods.

Sky Continent's method was like creating the internal structure of the treasure. As explained before, it consisted of creating the "Spirt Veins" across the entirety of the item, inside and outside.

Distancia Continent's method focused more on the body of the item. A blacksmith would use different hammering methods to modify and enhance the metal, glass, or any other material they were working with.

Lost Town's method was much more ethereal. Since working with strength was impossible for the mortals in Lost Town, for them to create Heaven-ranked items, they needed to transform their materials with energy.

The mortals in Lost Town came up with hammers, anvils, ovens, and other utensils that helped give the treasures something like an aura, which enhanced the works and increased their quality.

They could do so because their secret realm was often visited by Cultivators around the Universe, and they learned their own methods for everything.

Moreover, the manuals left behind by the creator of the secret realm were intricate and polished to such a degree that Mortals could use them with enough talent and proper tools.

Skill-wise, a top Blacksmith from Lost Town would rival one from Distancia.

Ultimately, they were mortals, so reaching the skill level of top blacksmiths of Sky Continent, where Transcendent Realm blacksmiths lived, was impossible.

Andrea's hammer hit the metal in constant motion. While heating up things, her bright red [Star Born Searing Flame], the Natural Treasure, blended with her work to modify the material, energy, and aura around the treasure.

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