Chapter 423. Ghana's plans. Yasenia's thoughts. Evelyn's night. (R-18)

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When they finished most of the food, Ghana couldn't help but say while munching the last bites. "Matriarch, if you open a restaurant, it will become a sensation in a short time. It will also net you a lot of profit. Not to mention, this is a very high-quality food. Even if you sell something a tenth as good, you can get almost everyone addicted."

Ghana continued with positive points. "Not to mention, as the owner of such a good food chain, you'll be able to enter into contact with high-status people and their children. Naturally, elders want to pamper their young, and they'll want to give them the best food. Here is where your best quality food comes, only reserved for people with privileged rights or VIPs."

Seeing that Yasenia was listening, Ghana sliced another piece of meat and dipped it in the almost-empty sauce bowl. "The business would be unique and world-renowned if the food can benefit cultivation, boost vitality, or any tangible and immediate advantage, which I feel it has. Therefore, no matter where you open a shop, every high-ranking person in the surroundings will try to attend and curry favor with you."

Yasenia smiled. "Continue."

Ghana nodded. "If you make a limited number of dishes daily, weekly, or monthly and create an artificial scarcity and mysteriousness on the food and its ingredients, the price and influence would skyrocket."

Yasenia nodded and asked. "What are the disadvantages?"

Ghana easily answered. "Naturally, you'll be antagonizing the food sector, which cannot do any of this. Envy is a strong driving factor for people acting against each other. Events of competitors trying to steal your recipe would become commonplace. However, your aim is the highest-ranking people so that it won't disturb ordinary restaurants or businesses with no real power, allowing you to shrink the adversaries by more than 99%."

Ghana commented. "Not to mention, food-related sects or powers are very weak. The strongest I know doesn't even reach a third-rate power, meaning I alone am enough to deter them in the strength department."

Yasenia nodded, impressed. "Everything you said is correct, reasonable, and beneficial. There genuinely are no drawbacks to this plan. Not to mention, with our monopoly, sects would even protect us for fear of losing the luxury they tasted. We would tap into a new market and be the overlords there."

Ghana nodded, but Yasenia continued. "However, you've forgotten one thing."

Ghana was confused and tilted her head. Yasenia smiled and commented. "The reason I cook is not to gain profit. Everything I do usually relates to gaining power, be it political or personal strength. Yet, I never spoke them aloud."

Yasenia smiled gently and spoke slowly. "To be honest, I had already thought about your ideas. However, my cooking is only for those I consider close. What if I become too occupied with the restaurant and lose time to cook for my dears? I won't do that."

Ghana was confused. "Just that?"

Yasenia nodded. "An extremely selfish and irrational opinion. However, I want to keep my cooking particular for my Clan. I don't want everyone to taste my food, not to mention I would never use my special ingredient with those I do not have a good impression of."

Yasenia laughed. "But that's just an excuse. No real factual points would prevent me from cooking for everyone outside and inside my Clan since I could cook their food simultaneously as I work and would have no trouble doing so. Moreover, I can cook just as well without my breast milk, making it another weak argument."

Yasenia looked at Angel on her lap and saw that she was looking at her with her typical cute expression.

Yasenia kissed her lips softly and spoke with a gentle smile. "Even then, just this thing, I want to be irrational and keep it special."

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