Chapter 507. Kali's Pill Concoction.

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Meanwhile, enough time had passed for Kali to throw the last ingredients inside.

Once the last ingredient was inside the cauldron, Kali closed it with the lid.

Then, she sunk her consciousness into the and manipulated everything closely.

Inside the cauldron was a mix of the ingredient's essence and impurities and a few solid ones that had yet to be processed.

With tremendous accuracy, Kali began purifying everything into its most primal state and essence.

'Hmm, this [Steel Black Tree Bark] is taking a bit to heat up without messing with the rest of the ingredients. I need to move it to the side and control the impurities from not mixing while I heat it.'

On the outside, they suddenly saw Kali's tame, gentle flames whooshing with strength and power as they consumed half of the cauldron.

Inside, temperatures rose exponentially as Kali's energy walls and control over the matter lessened.

The glow of her flame made the white-wearing fox appear ethereal.

The tree bark gained temperature quickly, heating up like a metal and gaining a white glow because of the heat.

Kali pushed her energy further, and the standard orange flames became lighter colored as the temperature increased, changing to a yellowish color.

The change didn't stop there as the color lightened more and more.

The tree bark was already melting, the only ingredient left to vaporize. However, Kali needed more heat.

Kali's face became serious as she saw all the other gases begin to try to fuse at the wrong time.

Even though she was using deep and profound techniques to keep the temperature lower on that side, Kali could not wholly avoid the temperature rise.

'Ho? I see why they used this recipe. This ingredient is quite tough; without expert control, everything can go to waste easily.'

Kali's verdant green eyes gained a slight glow, shining like precious emeralds. 'But I've worked with worse. Let's finish this.'

Then, the flames that only reached a quarter of the height of the cauldron blazed with strength and engulfed three-quarters of it, changing the color from the previous yellow to a pure white color.

The heat from the flames took aback many people as the first wave of heat spread around and reached even the stands.

Andrea whistled. "Those are temperatures I use to melt my materials."

The judge and other Alchemy masters frowned. 'How can she control the inside with such a powerful flame? She will fail without a doubt.'

Kali's forehead began to sweat as her energy was doing its best to redirect the powerful heat and energy release her ingredients were doing.

This extra heat purified the previous ingredients even further. However, if she didn't control the impurities released and the tree bark's process simultaneously, everything would fail instantly.

'Well, I admit. You are a tough ingredient, but this is it.'

Then, the liquid tree bark bubbled and puffed into pure energy dust in what seemed an instant.

Kali used her soul power together with her energy to slowly guide everything inside the cauldron.

Valeria was watching with amazement. She has seen a much stronger alchemist at work. Nonetheless, for Kali's level, her feat was exceptional. 'My~, if she didn't have to hold back the results, these pills would end up being high-level Heaven-grade pills with more than eighty-five percent purity. It is certainly one of the bests pills she has ever concocted.'

Heaven, Earth, Me 3 (GL)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora