Chapter 516. The Elder's battle.

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Elder Mao took the leadership position and ordered aloud. "We have twenty Ethereal Soul Body Cultivators. You five will cover the juniors and fight the small army. The rest of us will try to finish the powerful ones behind the army. Once we are done with them, we'll clean everything up."

The five he pointed at nodded with severe expressions.

The plant-based creatures didn't instantly attack, confusing them. They all saw the giant horror hound take a few steps forward and open the malformed mouth, leaking a thick violet substance from its mouth.

"You stole everything. Now we've come to take revenge. You are the first, and we'll continue this hunt until you all disappear."

The sound was stringent. It was so bad that a few people cringed while listening to it and covering their ears. The screeching of the voice echoed like a sharp vibration that made most people nauseous even while placing their hands over their ears.

Elder Song's face changed, and she shouted. "Be careful. That thing has soul influence!"

Yasenia was impressed. 'Just the voice is able to make the souls of these people tremble. It may instantly kill those with weaker souls if it shouts with all its might.'

Elder Mu looked over and asked aloud. "Which power are you from, creature? Why did you set up an ambush? Why do you claim we stole everything?"

The giant quadrupedal vine creature seemed incensed by those questions, and its body writhed in a nauseating manner. "You forgot... You forgot? YOU FORGOT ABOUT OUR SUFFERING!"

The creature's screech was so sharp that a few juniors fainted and fell from their flying swords.

The elders decided to land on the ground and cushion their falls. They were standing on the tallest peak, so looking around was not hard, even when they were on the ground.

Elder Song felt her body telling her that fighting this thing was too dangerous, so she shouted. "This is a misunderstanding. We can-."


However, the creature interrupted with a scream that made the air around its body visibility tremble.

Yasenia was still flying above them, looking over the battlefield. She knew that although this was planned, Tatyana would probably not pull punches with them.

Elder Mao looked up at Yasenia and asked. "Lady Yasenia, will you join us in the fight?"

Yasenia answered indifferently. "No."

They all frowned and asked. "What is your plan?"

Yasenia looked at them and squinted. "I've been involved in this situation because of you."

They all flinched because it seemed like that. Yasenia snorted. "Don't worry. I will also contribute. Yet, I'll fight on my own. Do not worry about me; I can protect myself."

"While all of you fight with those things, I'll ask Angel to find a weak point for this Formation. If we destroy it, escaping shouldn't be too hard."

Elder Hao frowned as he scratched his sword's pommel. "Can't you kill that giant thing with the previous attack?"

Yasenia sneered. "I don't think an ambush set up against a group from the Nine Sects would be this simple. Even if I kill it, so what? I'm the strongest combatant, so I should focus on guarding the only person that can get us out of this situation. In this case, it is Angel."

They all looked at the blonde human on Yasenia's back and frowned.

Yasenia continued coldly. "I know that being saved by a human will leave behind a bad aftertaste, but living is better than dying, right?"

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