Chapter 509. Final results of the Tournament.

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While discussing things, the one presenting the tournament's final results slowly descended.

His tall and muscular body and robe were familiar to Yasenia, especially those tiger ears and tail.

His aura was profound and vast, far above Yasenia's strength. The presence of the Epoch Core cultivator was like a vast ocean with deep waters that didn't let you see the bottom.

Everyone in the arena got silent, as his absolute presence overwhelmed almost everyone.

The tiger kin Patriarch spoke aloud. "I'll start by thanking all the powers participating in our annual event. I understand that this tournament is one of the core events of the year. Therefore, I, Huo Yang, Patriarch of the [Azure Sky Tigers], will be your host during this final presentation."

A few beasts cheered, and others howled in respect. The people in the stands felt respect for being able to see one of the leaders from the Thirty-Three clans. Even if the Azur Sky Tigers were in the 22nd position, they were the representative of most beast humans of the continent.

Huo Yang continued. "This year's tournament has been full of surprises and interesting situations. All the powers that participated did their best, and their juniors performed to their best capabilities. A few were unlucky, and the opposite also happened. New alliances were created, and new enmities were born. It doesn't matter what happened. It is something developed and created out of the strong competitive nature of the beast human race."

"Our race was not influential. Humans oppressed our races. However, we managed to stand back up by following our hero, and now we live in peace with each other."

Yasenia's eyebrow lifted. 'It may not be a direct attack, but it can make me look bad. Was it planned? Or is every year's speech similar?'

Tatyana commented. 'I couldn't see any strange expressions on the ones beside you, so unless it is also their first time attending, this should be customary.'

'I see.'

Huo Yang floated up, so everyone could see him clearly, and continued his speech. "Now, our juniors can show their superior talent. They can show their infinite potential. The previous years, this year, and the following years will show this to us. Show that we deserve everything we have today."

Yasenia felt the speech was too elitist, but she didn't say nor show anything.

The tiger Patriarch's speech lasted fifteen more minutes. Yasenia listened attentively to the propaganda that promulged beast humans and bashed humans to the point of making them look diabolical.

'No wonder the human race is treated like shit. If all events had revered seniors preaching this ideology, a World without human discrimination is impossible to achieve. To end the discrimination of the human race, the thing to be done is not to promulge rights but to make it obvious and expected for them to be part of society. Both sides are bad. Making it a big deal will attract enmity, and naturally bashing it is also not an option.'

Yasenia blinked, thinking of many scenarios. Ultimately, she shook her head. 'Well, it's not my problem. It is more than enough as long as I can keep my dears safe.'

Evelyn commented. 'Well, making the conditions of the humans better can also help with that, right?'

Yasenia nodded. 'You are right. It is much riskier, though. People will eventually recognize what we are doing, and if the things get discovered before we are prepared, we'll have the whole Distancia continent after us.'

Kali asked. 'I understand your standpoint. But is it really impossible for humans to have better living conditions?'

Yasenia sighed. 'Honey. I understand you feel empathy. However, how many people we are, even if we include our clan. A thousand?'

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