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Untaimed Conqueror says "I hope you can see you around" Untaimed Conqueror vanishes Veangeance says "What can we do to improve our power to make up for loseing Berserker? What do you think Luck?" Luck says "How about training? If you guys train you should be able to improve your power increase it you always said that you could only use about ten percent of your true power Untaimed Conqueror only five percent Madness fifteen percent Berserker twenty two percent Pure Darkness three percent and the Conqueror less than one percent of his power so if you all train you might be able to unlock more of your power but I still don't know the one who you said is able to use nearly half of their power mind telling me who that person is?" Veangeance says "That is something I can't answer but thanks for answering my question" Veangeance walks away and later comes to the conclusion of Veangeance says "Training might allow us to increase our power but if we are training that means Despair can pick us off one at a time and none of us will know about it until it's too late" Veangeance than overhears two people talking one of them says "So I heard that the Despairs are about to go to war against the ruler of the Universe it's going to be a bloodbath and because of Madara his Five Despairs and the Ten Despairs are in prison The Despair gang is pretty weak and that means Lord Jashin will have to battle alongside his gang no one's ever witnessed him in battle before this is going to be awsome  watching those two titans go to battle with each other I can't wait!"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now