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Berserker steps up to fight first agaisnt the captin of the Five Despairs he goes all out and attacks. He doesn't manage to land an attack on the Warrior Broly who lets Berserker have the first move before defeating him in one strike he says "No matter what Hyperactive mode you enter you are weak and do you know why? It's because your attacks have no thought behind them so anyone can evade them you also leave yourself open and you have a huge weak spot that gets weak at one point and if you are hit in that spot you lose and that spot is the gut" Untaimed Conqueror jumps into the fight agaisnt this Warrior Broly but missess he goes all out and attacks but is unable to land a single hit. The Ultimate Warrrior Broly beats him with a single strike before Pure Darkness attacks and missess and goes all out unable to land a single hit before loseing in one hit. Veangeance attacks next and the outcome is the same. Than Madness steps in she says "Let me have a go at him" Madness's power increases dramticly causeing damage to Wakanda she reaches the same power as Berserker at Full power she surpasses that power to a power level ninety trillion times as powerful than the first twenty six stages of Hyperactive Mode. She attacks and manages to punch the Ultimate Warrior Broly once he says "My turn" He manages to beat Madness with a single strike but than the Conqueror attacks however this was simply to buy time. Berserker enters stage Thirty two of Hyperactive mode known as the Legendary Hyperactive Mode this is the final stage. Berserker attacks and nearly kills the Ultimate Warrior Broly in one hit and than he is unconscious.

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