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Madara teleports over to the Conqueror confronting him the Conqueror smiles at Madara who says "It's your turn to face defeat" The Conqueror grins and his power increases and goes higher and higher passing Berserker's Untaimed Conqueror's and Madness's power it keeps increaseing it stops at forty times as powerful as the other Conqueror's the Conqueror says "You have lost Madara!" Madara says "Who's power is this? It can't be your own power!" The Conqueror says "Your right it's Savage's power I killed him and now I have his power on top of my own power so you lose" Madara attacks The Conqueror who is evenly matched with him until Madara goes to Full power and fights The Conqeror who is bearly keeping up with him. However that's when Berserker joins the fight he is in all thirty two stages of Hyperactive Power. They are unable to land a single attack Madness joins the fight but they still can't land a single attack than Pure Darkness joins the fight. They are close to landing attacks on Madara who is unable to make any mistakes he knows that one mistake is all it will take for them to land an attack. However that's when Untaimed Conqueror joins in the fight he gets the drop on Madara who is too busy fighting the other Conqueror's to notice him but he finally does the split second before he could hit Madara it is evaded and Untaimed Conqueror joins the fight. Still no one can get a hit on Madara until Veangeance appears out of nowhere and hits Madara with the gift from his friend he lands a critcal hit on Madara. However Madara is than hit with the gift from each of the Conqueror's and falls to the ground in defeat.

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