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Daylin's face turns red as she starts to blush the Conqueror says "Your face is it supposed to be red like that?" Daylin says "My face isen't red!" The Conqueror says "It's not? Oh ok than" Daylin and The Conqueror arrive in the Training room Daylin says "Remember we are going to start with hand to hand combat" The Conqueror says "Sure thing I can't wait" Daylin says "Use all of your power I want to see what you can do when you are at your limit" The Conqueror says "Sure thing whatever you say" The Conqueror enters Mastered Hyperactive mode and says "This is it my Full power" Daylin says "Impressive but it's nothing compared to any of the ten" The Conqueror says "The ten?" Daylin says "The ten are ten handpicked members of Despair that work directly under Lord Jashin they are all very powerful but even they are no match for Lord Jashin and I myself am a member of the ten" The Conqueror says "You are? How amazeing" Daylin says "Well I am not a member yet but I will one day be a member just like my sister was so was my brother" The Conqueror says "Was? What happened to them?" Daylin says "They were on Earth six for a top secreat mission given to them by Lord Jashin but than the planet was destroyred no one was found we heard what happened not long after and had a funeral I still can't believe they died" The Conqueror says "So you want to become a member of the ten to remember them? I hope you become a member of the ten that would be a great thing for you to do"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now