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The Conqueror loses Savage's power and he doesn't know what happened Madara is taken to prison and the Conqueror goes back to Wakanda Berserker goes back to his place. Untaimed Conqueror is back on the hunt for more power when someone says "Hey I hear your looking for more power I can help you find it you in?" Untaimed Conqueror says "What do you have?" The person says "I have heard of some godly power that can't be stopped" Untaimed Conqueror says "Tell me more" The person says "So it's some kind of Hyperactive mode unlike any of the thirty two stages of Hyperactive power a thirty third mode are you interested?" Untaimed Conqueror says "Where do I get it?" The person says "On the Jungle world there is a man who is said to lead you to the power that is all I know" Untaimed Conqueror gives the person two gold coins and says "Thank you for the information" Untaimed Conqueror leaves to retrive Berserker. Meanwhile Jasmine says "Come on Berserker play with me" Berserker says "I can't say no to you little Jasmine what do you want to play?" Jasmine is interupted by Untaimed Conqueror who shows up and says "I need you to come with me Berserker" Untaimed Conqueror and Berserker leave and begin to look for the man and after an hour they find him he says "You have come for the great power have you not? Follow me" The man leads Berserker and Untaimed Conqueror into another part of the Jungle where they don't see any great power Untaimed Conqueror says "Where is it?" The man says "On it's way" After two minutes someone arrives Berserker says "Savage?" The man says "He's not Savage anymore he is the first ever Undead person he is Undead Savage!"

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