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 Veangeance says "Good now make the apointment with the hospital now and have it put within a week like a day or two days before a week like I said have it put on either six days from now or five days from now or if you can have it put on a closer date than do it or I will tell captin what you were trying to do to this prisoner do I make myself clear?" The Security Guard says "I understand you loud and clear" Veangeance says "Good now go if I ever find out you try something like this again there will be no mercy remember that go" Veangeance lets the Security Guard go after they are gone Veangeance helps Jasmine to her feet and gives her the brand new knife and teleports to the outside of the prison room he closes the door opens the food slot and passes the food to Jasmine he says "Are you ok? Did that man hurt you? Do you have enough knives yet?" Jasmine hides the new knife grabs the food and says "He did not hurt me I am still weak from that battle with Savage and the Conqueror and bearly surviveing and no I don't have enough knives yet in fact I will never have enough knives I will always need more but I almost have enough knives to escape this place so if Pure Darkness only has seven days left alive how does that affect you?" Veangeance says "I guess I am lucky to be able to walk and use energy but I believe I only have a month or two before I die but that should be long enough I hope" Jasmine says "Thank you for saving me how can I repay you?"

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