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They arrive at a huge Mansion Berserker says "So your a lucky person if not for me you would have been put in jail for a crime you diden't commit by the way little one what is your name?" Jasmine says "I am Jasmine" Berserker says "Nice name so do you have an uncle that can take you in?" Jasmine says "I don't have anyone left I have nothing thank you for saveing me" Berserker says "So you have no friends and no family what am I going to do with you now?" Jasmine looks at Berserker with the intent of murder Berserker finally says "Well you could stay here with me until you find somewhere to go little Jasmine what do you say I won't force you to make a decision?" Jasmine says "I choose to stay with you" Berserker says "As you wish" Berserker and Jasmine enter the house where a lady in her early twenties with blonde hair green eyes pale skin white teeth runs up to Berserker giving him a hug she says "Berskerer dear I was worried about you after learning you left to see that Veangeance friend of yours and that his house was destroyred I am glad you are safe" Berserker says "Sorry to worry you Betty I am fine" Betty spots Jasmine and says "Who's the seven year old?" Jasmine says "I am not seven I am eight and I am Jasmine nice to meet you" Berserker says "Little Jasmine was in the house before it was destroyred to my knowledge she was protected by her family has no family or friends left nowehere to go so I brought her here" Betty says "In that case welcome to the family I guess"

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