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Lord Jashin says "Yes I need you to find the one known as The Conqueror and bring him here can you do that Jasmine?" Jasmine says "As you command but can I play with this Conqueror while I am at it?" Lord Jashin says "Sure play with him as much as you want" Jasmine smiles and says "I can't wait" Lord Jashin says "You are dismissed" Jasmine vanishes away. The Conqueror appears in a room he has no idea where he is. A door opens and someone walks into the room they close it and the Conqueror says "Lucy is that you?" Lucy says "Conqueror you came back? But why are you in my bathroom?" The Conqueror says "I don't know but I won't be here any longer bye" Lucy says "Wait" But The Conqueror teleports away. Lucy says "Don't run away I missed you" Meanwhile The Conqueror appears in the middle of a battle he is surrounded by Energy attacks that come at him all at once he teleports again. The Conqueror ends up in a billion dollar mansion on a tropical island world he reads a sign that says "Home of The Conqueror paid for by Kale Queen of the Vampires enjoy" The Conqueror says "Nice house" The Conqueror enters his house and takes a seat on a couch that cost two hundred million dollars and says "I wonder where he is" Someone says "Nice house this must've cost arounf dour billion dollars for the entire place" The Conqueror turns around to see a girl with red eyes a pale face black hair and black clothes she is smileing at the Conqueror who says "Who are you? Where did you come from?"

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