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Madness says through clenched teeth "Fuck you" Savage hits Madness with a ball of Energy nearly killing her and a second one that kills her. However time rewinds itself and before Savage launches the first Energy Attack someone says "Don't do it Savage we aren't here to kill only to capture" Savage says "Fine I won't kill her yet" Savage knocks Madness unconscious and says "Happy now Time Master?" Meanwhile Veangeance walks into his kitchen and makes himself a hamburger Jasmine is asleep on his couch he sits down at a table and says "I love my hamburgers" He takes a bite and thinks about how good his life is and he eats his hamburger. Veangeance gets dressed and leaves his house and the planet. Five minutes later One member of the Ten Despairs enters the house followed by Despair and Jasmine gets up from the couch they search the house for Veangeance. There is no sign of him Despair looks in the cabinets fridge and frezzer she finds ninty percent of the food gone. Jasmine finds a note left behind by Veangeance on the note are the words "Fuck you i'm not going down that easily bitches sincerely Veangeance Fuck you Despair" Jasmine says "Shit but how?" The other member of the Ten Despairs finds a hidden room with monitors security cameras they find a tape with a note on it that says "Watch this dumbass" The person watches it on it Veangeance is in his TV room he makes a clone of himself who watches TV while the real one goes gets a huge bag fills it with food and  writes both notes hides them from sight hid into the security camera room put the second one on the tape closes the rooms entrance and leaves.

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now