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Luck helps Veangeance off the floor and says "Do you have what you need?" Veangeance says "Yes I have more than enough information to defeat both Madara and Lord Jashin thanks to them we have four months to get ready" Soon after Veangeance, Pure Darkness, Untaimed Conqueror, The Conqueror, Madness and Beserker begin to increase their power drasticly with intense training. Four months later they all arrive at the same location and Luck says "So how do you hope to win against Madara?" Veangeance smiles and says "All we need id one hit and we win that is how we defeat Madara" Jasmine says "That's your plan? That's insane you'll die with a plan like that" Berserker says "Little Jasmine learn to believe in Veangeance he has a plan and that's the key to victory" Veangeance says "You guys did get one from him right?" Pure Darkness Madness Untaimed Conqueror The Conqueror and Berserker all say "Of course we did were not crazy enough to not get one" Veangeance grins and says "Great all we need is one hit and victory is ours" With that the six Conqueror's teleport to the battlefeild which is on a planet that is one huge Jungle. Madara is meditateing he opens his right eye and says "Glad you all could make it to your resting place prepare yourselves to die" Veangeance says "We have your place in prison ready for you" Madara says "I am not ready for prison but death is here for you find me if you can" Madara disappears into the Jungle. The six Conqueror's split up to look for Madara. Berserker is the first target Madara confronts him. Berserker enters stages one through twenty six of Hyperactive power and attacks.

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