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Two months pass and Savage is finally finished training Madara says "Now than how much did you improve while training?" Madara has someone fight Savage their power is equal to the power Savage had at Full Power the person says "Get ready to die" They attack Savage who evades the attack they attack again Savage evades again they go to Full Power and attacks missing than they hit Savage with a very powerful gut punch they say "You should have fought back now you lose" Savage says "I let you hit me now it's my turn" Savage hits the person with one Energy Attack nearly killing them he says "I never got a chance to go to my second stage how disapointing" Madara says "Great work Savage in two months you improved so much" Savage says "That was my very first time training I was at my birth given power so I am surprized I got so much more power" Madara says "We can begin now" Savage says "Begin what?" Madara says "The destructrion of the Conqueror but first I want to test your power even more" Savage says "What do you mean?" Madara says "I only saw your first stage now I want to see the next one one after the other all four of your stages of power" Savage says "Five I have a new stage from training" Madara says "I will have you fight the Ten Despairs ten on one" Savage says "So there's a new Despair Ten?" Madara says "Not yet but I had someone create clones of the Ten Despairs each clone is equal to the original in every way" Savage says "Let's begin" Savage enters his second stage and fights the Ten Despairs.

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now