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Berserker is unable to land a single attack on Madara who stops every attack with a finger. Berserker enters stage twenty seven Life Threatining Hyperactive Mode which increases one's power drasticly but also threatens one's life decreaseing their lifespan but it still isen't enough to stop Madara's finger so he enters stage twenty eight also known as Body Damageing Hyperactive Mode which multiplies one's power dramticly but damages their body but this stage still isen't enough to stop Madara or his finger. So Berserker enters stage twenty nine also known as Body Destroying Hyperactive Mode which multiplies the user's power to insanely dramtic heights but also has the risk of destroying the user's body in the process. However this mode isen't even enough power and Madara continues to deflect each and every one of Berserker's attacks Berserker says "How can you have so much power in one finger?" Madara says "I was born with this power" Berserker enters stage thirty of Hyperactive power also known as suicidal Hyperactive Mode it gives the user a bigger power increase than the first twenty nine stages put together but it is also a  suicidal power as it has a ninty nine percent chance of killing the user in the process but even with this power increase Berserker still can't land a single attack agaisnt Madara so he enters stage thirty one of Hyperactive Power. Also known as Max Power Hyperactive mode which multiplies the power of the user by the power increase of the first thirty stages of Hyperactive Power it is also thought to be the final stage but it is before the final stage also there is no risk to the user. Even with this power increase Berserker still can't land a single attack because all of his attacks are deflected by Madara's finger.

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