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Madara says "I don't think so Hybraid Conqueror I am going to beat you easily" Untaimed Conqueror says "We'll see about that" Untaimed Conqueror attacks but is unable to land a single hit on Madara who doesn't even take a single step. This angers Untaimed Conqueror and he uses the power that belongs to the Broly race and his power speed defense strength attack power Energy and his senses increase to intense levels and he loses most of his mind. He attacks like a bloodthirsty animal hunting for food with each attack he comes close to hitting Madara forceing him to take a couple steps, However that's when Untaimed Conqueror's power speed defense strength attack power Energy and senses increase even more and he loses more of his mind and is inches from hitting Madara with each attack until Madara jumps to two percent and one shots Untaimed Conqueror with a single attack. However Untaimed Conqueror sheds his skin and gets another increase and is back to being able to control himself. He almost hits Madara who than jumps to twenty five percent and defeats him with ease. However Untaimed Conqueror lunges at him Madara grabs him by the neck and Untaimed Conqueror attacks with his tail. This catches Madara by surprize and almost hits him but in the split second before the attack could connect Madara jumps to fifty percent and evades with ease he tossess Untaimed Conqueror up into the air and hits him with an Energy attack defeating him. Untaimed Conqueror falls into a river. Madara teleports away where he finds Pure Darkness and confronts him. Pure Darkness attacks with a full power Energy Cannon however Madara stops it with an Energy attack of normal power and ends up defeating Pure Darkness.

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