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Berserker says "So little Jasmine this is my girlfriend Betty and soon to be wife she will help take care of you" Betty says "Nice to meet you" Later on the day of the party Jasmine sneaks away from the mansion and goes to Veangeance's house what remains of it she spots Veangeance on his couch eating a hamburger he spits her and says "It's about time i've been waiting for you for an hour" Jasmine says "Why would you come back? Why didn't you hide?" Veangeance says "No need I am your plus one to that party and I am here to go" The two of them head to the party and inside all of the lights are off Veangeance says "I knew this was a trap" The lights turn on revealing an incapacitated Conqueror and Pure Darkness chained to a wall and the Ten Despairs. Savage says "Veangeance you shouldn't have come you just walked into my trap any last words?" Veangeance says "Just a thought what do you want from me?" Savage says "Blood I want your life" Veangeance says "You don't stand a chance of winning" Savage says "Why is that?" Veangeance says "Simple I have a team" At that moment Lightning strikes down besides Veangeance and Untaimed Conqueror walks out from the Lightning a hole is made in a wall and Berserker walks through the hole grins and says "Did you miss me?" Jasmine says "Berserker but why?" Berserker says "Jasmine you might want to run" Jasmine leaves the building Savage says "Three Conqueror's that's your team? Wow you really think the three of you can beat the Ten Despairs?" Veangeance says "No I know we will win" Savage says "TAKE THEM DOWN DESPAIRS!" The Nine Despairs attack.

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