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Savage says "Don't worry they aren't locking you up because you did nothing wrong" The Conqueror realizes he is not behind bars he is on the other side of the bars free he says "But why are you locking her up?" Another person arrives they say "She is a crimanl" Meanwhile Pure Darkness is in a hospital room he is recovering from nearly dying. Unfortunately at that time Queen Jade's army invades the Vampire Queen Kale sends out the last of her Vampires but they are out numbered and killed the army invades the casstle ans the hospital Kale is sorrunded by four hundred members of the army one hundred on the left one hundred on the right one hundred behind her and one hundred in front of her. She gives up Queen Jade walks through the group on the left and says "Looks like you lose Vampire Queen but I don't intend to kill you I only want what is mine take him" Pure Darkness is taken away and Kale is knocked out by the army but before they could return to Wakanda a trader takes Pure Darkness away they call Savage who says "Is it time?" The trader says "Yes it is time" Meanwhile Savage says "The Conqueror is a member of Despair so is Pure Darkness" Savage telports and returns with Pure Darkness and the trader who says "Behold Pure Darkness" Both The Conqueror and Pure Darkness are put behind bars. Jasmine says "Looks like we are all here" The Conqueror says "We aren't all here Veangeance and Mini Conqueror aren't in here in fact Veangeance has a small immunity to the link" Jasmine says "How small?"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें