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Savage says "What does third in command want?" The Despair member says "I don't know says it's secreat but whatever it is just know that you earned it" Savage says "Thanks" Savage goes to see third in command of Despair they say "Hello Savage i'm glad you could make it" Savage says "How could I not come third in command of Despair Lord Madara?" Lord Madara says "Just call me Madara" Savage says "As you wish Madara" Madara says "So you coulden't take down the Conqueror and out of the Ten Despairs only you and Luck Despair remain you know what is going to happen next right?" Savage says "I do" Madara says "Great so as of today your training will begin" Savage says "Training what training?" Madara says "Training to become stronger before you become one of the Five Despairs" Savage says "The Five but I failed so why?" Madara says "You proved yourself worthy countless times and are a useful member of Despair I don't think you should die for one defeat so your moveing up to a underling of mine" Savage says "Thank you Madara" Madara says "Don't thank me I don't need it now go get stronger" Within a week The Conqueror is with Lucy on Wakanda Veangeance is with Lucky Pure Darkness is a Vampire Berserker is now able to use the first nineteen stages of Hyperactive Mode Untaimed Conqueror is almost finished mastering all of the modes he has Madness is still nowhere to be seen. All over reality there is money trouble almost everyone is poor except the Ruler of the Police their family Lucy and her family Kale and Pure Darkness Bounty Hunters Despair Veangeance The Broly race and the Evil Emperior.

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ