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The Conqueror says "See how Pure Darkness is nearly dead while Veangeance is not nearly dead he is at two percent normal health so by the time that Mini Conqueror returns Veangeance can get us out of here we only need to wait a few months" Meanwhile Invincible learns about The Conqueror's imprisonment she tells her dad who says it's not something he cares about him and Jasmine will be replaced. Daylin and Mini Conqueror continue to learn how to fight. A few months later Mini Conqueror knows how to fight he is a great fighter he returns to The Conqueror who is now a great fighter he says "Not much longer" Meanwhile on a world that sells weapons Veangeance buys a knife than says "Thank you for the knife" He hides the knife and teleports inside of a bakery he gets a cake and hides the knife inside than he telports inside of the prison unseen calls over a security guard into a closet knocks them out and steal their uniform than he heads over to thr prison wing of Pure Darkness The Conqueror and Jasmine. He finds the guard passing out food and says "I was given orders to hand out Jasmine of Despair ten member group her food for today by the captin" The guard says "Hold on let me ask" Veangeance  says "Are you sure you want to do that? You might bother him and be punished severely" The guard scared says "Ok here you go there's her cell" Veangeance says "Back to work you don't want to get caught slacking off" The guard goes back to handing out food. Veangeance opens the slideing door to Jasmine's cell and passes the food towards her along with the knife.

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