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Daylin says "Thank you for that" The Conqueror says "I don't know what I did but your welcome" Daylin says to herself "I like his personality he's a nice person to be around very trusting very powerful he might not be as strong as a member of the ten but he sure is powerful he's also good to look at and funny I hope we can get to know each other even more" The Conqueror says "Did you say something?" Daylin says "I said come at me we start this training now!" The Conqueror says "As you wish get ready I am coming" The Conqueror and Daylin begin their training. A few hours later they take a break. Daylin says "You are powerful but terrible at fighting you are slow and you have no idea how to fight you realy on your Energy attacks and forcefeild too much we have a lot of work ahead of us so I hope you are ready for the near future" The Conqueror says "When you say near future how long is that?" Daylin says "Who knows it could take days weeks months years decades or even centuries is really depends on our progress abd how much you want to learn" The Conqueror says "I want to learn how to fight with weapons how long will that take?" Daylin says "Well considering your current battle  experience and the time it will take to teach you hand to hand combat oh and team work also needs to be taught actually pretty much the way I see it we will be training together for a few months at the very least amount of time but it could also take a few years so either a few months or two years sorry but we will be stuck together for some time"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now