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However before it can hit him it is destroyed and someone says "Conqueror what's wrong with you? Struggleing against Despair you make me sick I got this" The Conqueror says "Monster?" Savage says "Brother?" Monster looks at Savage and says "Savage look at yourself your Despair Ten are defeated and your at Full power you think your stronger than me come at me" Savage attacks Monster going all out. Monster catches the attack in midair grins and says "You lost" Monster flicks Savage defeating him he says "Conqueror I will return soon to fight you until than bye" Monster vanishes The Conqueror doesn't know what he should do Veangeance says "Let's take down Despair" A few hours later the police came they arrrested Despair Smoke Despair Lightning Despair Hunter Despair Pure Bringer Time Master and the Eternal Force feild master. They could not find Savage who escaped and Luck Despair who used her Luck to avoid the police and Jasmine who went with Berserker. Monster is in an unknown location Pure Darkness is with Kale. Untaimed Conqueror is increaseing his power through training. Veangeance is back on Earth nine The Conqueror is seeing someone the Conqueror says "How you doing?" The person says "You have done a good job but you still need to over throw Lord Jashin of Despair and get in good with Wendy daughter to the ruler of the Police force whoose very word is law do this and I will be able to get out" The Conqueror says "Yes we are almost there we can do this" Meanwhile Berserker is continueing to learn the stages of Hyperactive Mode from his girlfriend who is able to use the first twenty stages of Hyperactive mode and than he plans to have her sister teach him to be able to use the next five stages.

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now