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The person says "I was lucky speaking of being lucky I am surprized you were given the reward for their capture but I got away so Veangeance I am Luck Despair but that was than and now it's Luck your girlfriend" Veangeance says "Not going to happen lady" Luck grins looks at  Veangeance and says "Are you sure about that?" Veangeance says "No I want to be your boyfriend will you be my girlfriend?" Luck says "Yes come give me a hug" Veangeance hugs Luck who says "Lucky me I have a boyfriend my very first boyfriend thank you Veangeance for being my very first boyfriend I will try my best to be a great girlfriend to you" Meanwhile Pure Darkness enters Kale's Kingdom he is confronted by an army of ninty trillion Vampires Pure Darkness says "I am here to see Queen Kale of the Vampires take me to her!" The Vampires lead him to Kale who says "Darkness you returned to me!" Kale looks over at the Vampires and says "Leave us!" The Vampires do as their told and leave. Kale says "Darkness you came back to me" Pure Darkness says "I came for my spaceship and to become a Vampire" Meanwhile Savage returns to Despair he is badly hurt he says "I have returned" A member of Despair says "Welcome back Savage third in command would like to see you" Savage is instantly terrified he thinks to himself "Third in command wants to see me the second most powerful member of Despair second to Lord Jashin but more powerful than second in command Invincible what could they want wiith me? Did they find out about the battle with the Conqueror being lost? Do they want to kill me?"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangWhere stories live. Discover now