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The next day Veangeance goes over to Jasmine's door and gives it five taps than waits until Jasmine taps five times than Veangeance goes over to Pure Darkness's and The Conqueror's door and gives them their food. Jasmine waits a few minutes than yells out "SOMEONE HELP ME!" Jasmine falls to the floor and Veangeance goes over to her door and yells "SOMEONE GET HELP PRISONER JASMINE IS DYING!" Two Security guards and three doctors rush over they enter the room. One of the doctors does a check on Jasmine's vital signs and than says "There's nothing wrong with he" Jasmine tossed a knife up cuting open the doctors throat. Before anyone could process what happened Jasmine tossess four knives up into the air one Doctor gets a knife to the eye the last doctor gets a knife to the head. One Security guard gets a knife to the neck and the final knife hits the second Security guard in the gut. He doesn't die until Jasmine tossess a sixth knife up stabbing him in the head killing him. She gets up and removes her six knives and leaves the room. She uses her knives to pick the lock to the Conqueror's and Pure Darkness's door and than the three of them begin to make their way out of the prison murdering cop after cop until they reach the exit. However Jasmine finds the perverted cop who tried to take advantage of her she lures him to a dark room he says "Come here I only want to play a game with you" The door is closed and a light turns on revealing Jasmine with her knives she says "I love to play games but are you sure you want to play with me?"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن