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The Conqueror says "I don't really mind being around you for so long after all you are my teacher" Daylin says "That's great to hear because there is a rule that unless you complete jobs you won't have a place to live not unless you crash at another Despair member's place that is so do you know someone that would let you stay with them?" The Conqueror is about to say something when he is interrupted by someone else who says "Actually he does know someone" The Conqueror says "Invincible why are you here?" Invincible says "Didn't you find my message? Oh I don't think I put enough information in it sorry wait diden't Daylin already tell you?" The Conqueror says "Tell me what?" Invincible says "I am the daughter of Lord Jashin" The Conqueror says "That's suurprizeing I had no idea" Invincible says "Yeah and you are to be living at my place that is an order from my father you are going to love living with me and my dad and the ten your room is already ready for you so are you ready to go home now?" Daylin says "That's wonderful Conqueror you should go you'll love it there!" The Conqueror looks at Daylin than at Invincible and says "I would love to" Daylin gets depressed and Invincible says "That's great" The Conqueror says "But" Daylin and Invincible both say "But?" The Conqueror says "I already have a place so bye" With that The Conqueror is walks away. Invincible says "But you were ordered to stay with us?" The Conqueror says "I passed your entrance test but I never said I would join so I am still a free man but I will do this"

The Conqueror book 3 Despair gangOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz