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Veangeance says "I can't be your plus one because I am gay" Jasmine says "Not going to save you because I will fix you by making you striaght so don't worry I love playing games and I love you so I won't go over board and kill you so you can relax" Jasmine knocks Veangeance out cold a few hours later. Veangeance awakens he finds himself down in his basement he says "How did I get down here? It doesn't matter time to go" Veangeance tries to leave but can't he notices that he is tied to a chair and the chair is chained to the floor he says "Why am I here? What is going on?" Someone says "You are awake that's great my love I was starting to get worried" Veangeance says "I know that voice Jasmine member of the Ten Despairs" Jasmine says "I know but anyway let's begin shall we?" Veangeance says "Begin what? What do you plan to do with me?" Jasmine says "Don't worry I just want to play a game with you a game that will make you rethink your life choices now doesn't that sound like fun?" Veangeance says "No id doesn't sound like fun waut yes it does sound like fun lets get started" Jasmine says "Yes lets begin I should warn you this is going to hurt a lot" Veangeance says "Hurry up before I change my mind" Ten hours later four am the game ends. Jasmine says "Oh my did I kill you please forgive me" A weak Veangeance says "I am just fine" Jasmine says "Darling your alive I diden't mean to over do it" Veangeance says "Don't worry about it I am fine" Jasmine says "Tell me did it work are you striaght?"

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