The Aftermath of Mortis, Part 2

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First of all, I'm going to rant about anxiety bc it makes me feel better. Feel free to ignore.

So that interview I was worried about, it went really good and I'm officially the new "art learning assistant" at my library :):) The dentist thing is still freaking me out but not as bad. I've had anxiety over orthodontists and dentists since I got my braces a couple years back, and even worse when I got them off. Most of the times I go to either I end up having a panic attack. This leads to even more anxiety about it the next time I go, so it's kind of just an ever sparling whirlpool of anxiety 🙃

All that being said, I'm currently trying to write my anxiety away. Thanks to whoever listened to that lol. As I say with many chapters, don't expect much. This is an emotional support chapter and it'll probably be short haha

Side note, you might want to reread part one of this, but you totally don't need to. I just know that I'll probably reference it.

Enjoy :)

The whole situation was just... Weird. To everyone else they were only off the radar for a few seconds, not the multiple days all of them were really gone. Or were they? Nothing changed, there was no evidence of their disappearance, they couldn't prove anything. For this reason, none of the trio really said anything about Mortis. It had been nearly three weeks when a certain clone captain found out.

Ahsoka was trudging down the hallways, half asleep, just trying to get to the mess hall for some caf. It was then that she ran into Rex, almost running into him mid-yawn.

"Sorry, Commander. Can I- Sir you don't look too good," He said still processing how tired she looked.

"Thanks." Her voice was rough and uncaring. "If you don't mind, I'm in desperate need of some caf." Ahsoka gave Rex a look that said 'I love you but I need you to move.' He instead followed her back into the mess from where he came.

"I think some sleep would probably do you better than caf," Rex quipped. Ahsoka ignored him and filled a large to-go cup with straight black coffee, claiming that milk and sugar took up too much room in the cup.

"Good luck with that."

"All do respect, why aren't you sleeping?"

"Who says I wasn't sleeping?" She asked with an amused grin on her face.

"The bags under your eyes, that's who."

"Hey!" Ahsoka playfully smacked him. "If you weren't my friend I'd punish you," She joked.

"Besides not sleeping, how are you?" Rex joined her at an empty table, sitting beside her on the bench while she sipped the steaming hot caf.

"I feel like death," Ahsoka grumbled, her head hitting the table.

"Well I'm fairly certain you'd be in a lot more pain if you were dying."

"No, no, this is about what death feels like. You can't think and everything is hazy." She tried using a little dark humor but realized quickly that she probably shouldn't have said any of that.

"And where'd you learn that, Kix telling you bedtime stories or what?" Rex gave a slightly nervous chuckle. Ahsoka looked down at the table, trying to come up with a feasible excuse in time. The last thing she wanted was Rex freaking out in the middle of the mess hall. "Commander..." He started. "I'm almost afraid to ask. No, scratch that, I'm terrified."

Ahsoka squirmed and joined in on the nervous chuckle. "Well, you see," She sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck. "I kind of got injured a while back... "

"Wait, when? I would have known if you got injured. There's not a scratch on you!" Rex was thoroughly confused, his brow furrowing in both fear and uncertainty.

"It's complicated. The point is I may have, sort of, died."

"Hold on, you DIED?" He practically yelled. Luckily for her, it was only a few clones nearby who heard. Unluckily for her, one of them was Fives.

"Ya, well it didn't stick." She tried to calm him down but didn't in time to stop Fives from rushing over.

"I want to hear the story!" He yelled.

Okay so that was short, probably the shortest chapter lol, but I wanted to get it out anyway.

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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