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Some wholesome family moments between Ahsoka and Obi-Wan

What are they, father/daughter? uncle/niece? Even Older brother/younger sister, I don't even know, they're just familial and I love it

I seriously don't know where I'm going with this, I just thought it'd be a cute idea and I promised y'all a chapter today soooo

Enjoy :)

It was a rough mission.

One of those missions that Ahsoka was going to stress over for a while.

She knows the way it goes. Lay awake for hours, visit injured clones in the Halls of Healing, go train, maybe eat, rinse and repeat. The next couple days wouldn't be easy, and she honestly wished she would just be assigned another mission to get her in a different headspace for a little while.

So here she lay at 0200, thinking about the clones that lay dead because of her. She didn't want to be awake, if she could have slept she would have. But something about the rough missions, even the exhausting ones, wouldn't let her sleep. Her body was determined to stay awake. Maybe it was fear of nightmares, even though they weren't a big problem most of the time, or maybe it was fear that if she fell asleep she couldn't be there for those who needed her. Either way, she finally slid out of bed, tip-toed out of her quarters and into the hallways of the Jedi Temple.

She wore her normal combat outfit, her dress and leggings, and yet there was a chill that wracked her body, causing her to rub both her arms as she wandered. Whenever she was out wandering like this, waiting for sleep to overcome her, she always hoped someone would join her. Anakin, Rex, Barriss, heck she'd even walk with Mace Windu if it came down to it. She just felt so alone when she was up at all hours of the night. Sometimes she debated waking someone, but she wasn't going to interrupt someone's sleep, especially if it was as hard for them to sleep as it was for her.

Ahsoka settled herself in the room of a thousand fountains, sitting on a ledge overlooking water. It was peaceful, so peaceful that she even felt she could fall asleep given enough time. The trickling water, the splashing, the ripples,

"Rather late," Came a quiet voice from behind her. "Can't sleep?" Obi-Wan revealed himself and sat next to her in the same cross-legged meditation position, holding a travel mug of sorts full of some steaming liquid.

"Something like that," She said back in an equally quiet voice, even more so now that he was closer.

"Here," he said, handing her the mug. "Tea always seems to calm my nerves."

"Who said I was nervous?" She said with a slight grin, taking the cup and warming her bitter fingers.

"Just a guess. Are you?"

"Restless, is all. This doesn't have caffeine?"

"That would be a pretty dumb move if it did, trying go to sleep with caffeinated tea." She just answered with a humored huff and lifted the mug to her lips. She could smell a sweet, fruitiness to the tea, and almost immediately identified as black cherry.

"I always pegged you as a chamomile person." She said, sipping the hot liquid, closing her eyes in how beautiful it tasted against her parched tongue.

"I am, that one's for you. It is your favorite if I remember correctly." She couldn't help but smile at her grandmaster's kindness. She loved having her brothers, Anakin and the clones, but sometimes she needed the truly gentle compassion of Obi-Wan in her life.

"You'd be right. Thank you, master." Ahsoka said, still in a whisper. "How'd you know I was here?"

"I sensed your unrest. Followed you here, and figured you could use some tea." They were content with comfortable silence as Ahsoka sipped and Obi-Wan watched the ripples of the water dripping from a nearby fountain.

"Want to talk about it?" He asked her, sliding ever so slightly closer to her, in the hopes it would give her some peace. She was silent for a moment.

"Not much to talk about. The mission went wrong, and now I can't sleep." Ahsoka was a little choked up. Truth be told, she did want to talk about it, but she couldn't stand breaking down in front of her grandmaster. Not about some stupid mission. He nodded his head and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, sensing her uncertainty, and her pain. It was a silent, 'I'm here for you' that Ahsoka easily leaned into, resting her head on Obi-Wan's shoulder. Normally she'd be lectured on attachments by one of the other masters, even Obi-Wan at times, but he knew that she needed this. He wasn't about to let a teenage girl suffer in silence.

There they sat, Ahsoka sipping her tea, and Obi-Wan gently caressing her shoulder with his thumb, running it in small circles. He could feel her chilled body and encouraged her to lean in closer, to which she happily obliged. Comfort. Comfort was all Ahsoka felt in that moment. Not through the force, not waves of calming through their steadily growing but still small bond, just comfort in Obi-Wan's gentle embrace and the warm tea sitting in her hands.

It had been close to five minutes of silence. "I really thought the mission would go well, everything was planned out perfectly." She took a small breath in "But it was a trap. I didn't sense the battle droids approaching in time and now nine men are dead and seven injured." She huddled closer into Obi-Wan's embrace, and he did the same, wrapping the other arm around her shoulder as she let a few tears fall. There was no sobbing, no whimpering, just silent tears to honor her fallen brothers. "I could have saved them if I wasn't so distracted by my own, stupid pride that the mission would go well."

"Ahsoka, you did what you could, and I'm certain that none of those men blame you for how you acted. The injured ones got out alive, you saved them. And I know that they are grateful for that."

She released herself slightly from his grip for a few moment to sip her tea. They quickly went back to comfortable silence. Obi-Wan now had a small wet patch on his robes from Ahsoka's crying, but he couldn't care less as long as she never felt she had to suffer alone again.

"If you ever need to talk I'm always available for tea." He said, continuing to rub small circles on her shoulder.

"Thank you, Obi-Wan." She snuggled back into his arms and let out a breath. She was considerably more apt to fall asleep now, wondering if she could even make it back to her quarters. That question was answered for her when she felt Obi-Wan wrap his arms around her and lift her off the stone ledge.

"Let's get you back, little one." He whispered, taking the tea in one hand, wrapping her up in his embrace and carrying her out. Fumbling to type in the code, but ultimately succeeding in the end, he moved to lay her down on her own bed back in Anakin and Ahsoka's shared quarters. He only got a few steps in when he heard Anakin's door slide open.

"Obi-Wan, what-" He quickly shushed is former Padawan, and Anakin quickly shut himself up at the sight of the sleeping girl in his arms. She was only six inches shorter than him, not enough to truly make the girl small per say, but it was a sweet sight. Anakin took the mug from his hand, correction, the few fingers barely holding onto it, with a chuckle. Obi-Wan laid her down on her messy, unmade bed, and pulled the covers over her.

"Goodnight Ahsoka," He said, briefly brushing his hand against her arm before setting the half drunken tea on the table beside her. "Sleep well."

From that day forth, Obi-Wan's quarters were always stocked with black cherry tea, and Ahsoka's with chamomile. Neither hesitated to ask for some when the situation required it.

Okay that came out way better than I though it would, and I'm kind of in love honestly. I still can't decide if it's father/daughter or brother/sister, but either way I love it and I want to write more of this. I think black cherry is a very Ahsoka-esc flavor, don't you think? Idk, I don't really like tea in general so I can't judge by taste, I just think they sound like flavors both of them would like.

Let me know if you have any one-shot ideas!

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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