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Published February 24, 2021

I'm editing this and realizing how cruddy it is lol, don't judge the rest of the book by this one chapter, I promise it gets better.

If you want to skip to later chapters to get a feel for this book, I'd suggest going for either "Panic Attack" Or "Tea" because they give you a good example of what my chapters usually consist of, but they're still very near the beginning of the book. This chapter in particular is one of my least favorites because I actually wrote this almost a year ago, when my writing wasn't... Amazing lol

If you still want to start here, good luck. I promise my content get's better and the characters become actually in character haha

It had been a few hours of silence. Of staring. First the wall, then the ceiling, then the floor where her lightsabers lay. Ahsoka finally gave in to the daylight peeking in through the slats of the window and stood up, hooked her lightsabers into her belt, and opened the door. She began roaming the hallways. Ahsoka knew she could be doing something, training, studying, but right now all she wanted to do was relax and since she clearly couldn't sleep, this was her next best option. A few minutes of roaming later and she came across Anakin looking mildly lost.

"Ahsoka, there you are, I've been looking for you." He kept walking towards her until they met and he turned to walk with her. "I'll be leaving on a mission next rotation, but I though a training session was in order. It's been a while since I'd beat you in something."

Ahsoka gave a mild grin and answered with, "Sounds good to me, but I wouldn't mind being the one to beat you." He led her to an outdoor platform as they kept talking. "What's your mission?"

"Escorting senator Amidala to Naboo, some sort of negotiations, but it sounds as if they won't be all that friendly."

"I take it I won't be coming, seeing as I wasn't called to any briefing?" Ahsoka spoke as she pressed the button to open the door to an outdoor platform where some younglings were training. Ahsoka briefly thought back to being one of the younglings with a helmet on their head, blocking fire from a little droid. She was so afraid of being shot, but she never let anyone else know that.

"Not this time, besides you've been nothing but busy lately, you deserve some rest."

"As you take me to dual..." She joked as they stood to face each other. She reached for her lightsabers, but noticed Anakin was still standing patiently with his hands in front of him. "Right, I always forget to bow." She bowed and they both reached for their lightsabers.

"Just one this time, make it a fair fight." Anakin smiled and activated his own lightsaber and Ahsoka put one of her own away.

"Right, because the head's height you've got on me is fair." She mumbled.


"Sorry, master." She slightly complied and dialed down on the sarcasm.

Anakin struck first, swinging his lightsaber up from above, but she dodged and attacked from behind. It didn't take him long to beat Ahsoka, which was pretty out of character. Even tired, she normally wouldn't let anything short of a missing limb stop her from trying to beat her master. Multiple times Anakin helped her off the ground and they started again. Ultimately the same thing happened every time. One of them attacked, the other dodged, back and forth they went for a few minutes, Ahsoka fighting poorly, boring, and by the book, which always led to her own defeat, but she'd grunt and they'd go again with the same conditions.

Finally Anakin was done watching Ahsoka fail. "What is wrong with you today? I don't think I've seen you this distracted before."

Ahsoka, realizing that Anakin had finally caught on, did what most people would do in this situation and give a weak excuse in place of the true, deeper answer. "I haven't gotten much sleep lately is all. I'm sure I'll be fine, let's keep- Hey watch it kid!" A youngling from the group a couple yards away from them had crashed into Ahsoka and knocked both of them over. She quickly lashed out at the boy, about nine.

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