My Teenage, Female, Togruta Padawan

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Ahsoka being a girl and everyone being confused the entire time. And a little bit of fluff bc obviously Anakin and the clones would do what they can for all her (wildly annoying) girly needs

So ya, we're talking abt periods and boobs and all that jazz, bc I'm feeling it. Don't ask me why, but this is happening I guess. I'm wicked uninspired and I figure, if I can bust out a couple hundred words in shorts, than why not.

Also, the first scene came to me bc it makes me sad that no one realizes that even members of the itty bitty titty club still have to worry about the pain it'll cause us to run. Tiny boobs can hurt too, when you run. Obviously not as much, but it's still incredibly annoying


Enjoy :)

For someone with a wife, Anakin was wildly unused to being around girls.

Well, at least girls in a warzone. That was a whole different story.

Ahsoka had been running to meet him, an entire wave of battle droids dead in her wake, and to be honest he was feeling pretty proud. He was about to congratulate her when she did something he thought he'd never have to see.

His Padawan ran up to him, out of breath, holding her chest?

The only thought in his head, was something along the lines of The actual kriff? His face must have shown the confusion because Ahsoka stared at him, eyebrow raised, pretty unimpressed. She let down her hands when she slowed to a stop. "Yes?"

Anakin stuttered, not quite sure how to phrase what he meant without offending her. "Um, what was... That?" Well, it wasn't the worst way to say it. No points for originality though.

"I didn't wear a sports bra and I was running full speed, that osik hurts."

He said no more, nodded his head with pinched lips, and moved on. To be fair, he wouldn't know.


Ahsoka was suddenly very glad her battle dress was maroon.

She didn't think to bring supplies with her, she rushed off to battle and blamed the headache on stress and the bloating on her recent trip to Dex's. Who was she to know she was going to suddenly bleed out on a battlefield without an injury to cause it?

Her first thought was Kix. Medics have that kind of stuff, right? Like the temple healers always did? Then again, this was a medic for a couple hundred male clones and their male General, she assumed they hadn't really prepared for a very female and very teenage Commander to waltz into their lives. She had never brought that kind of thing up either, no one did.

Well, she hoped for the best, walking over to the medic's tent. The best she could do was being sarcastic and annoying about it.

"Kix?" She asked, walking up to him as he seemed to be fiddling with some mechanical device.

He turned towards her. "Yes, Commander?"

"I'm bleeding profusely and I need supplies." His eyes went wide in shock, immediately scanning her over for injuries.

"Sir, sit down, where-"

"Not like that."

He settled with confusion before realizing. "Oh, sorry sir, you uh... You weren't very upfront." Kix rustled through a crate of supplies as he spoke. "Next time maybe just tell me you're on your period instead of making me think you're dying, okay?" He told her, giving her that 'I'm a tired medic and you're not helping' look with a hint of a smile telling her he wasn't too serious.

"Injure me later. Help me now."

He chuckled and handed her a package of what she assumed were tampons of some sort, it being to small for the alternative. "Pain killers?"

She nodded. "Now I have a headache for other reasons than incredibly loud gunfire."


The first time Anakin found his Padawan curled up in a ball on the sofa, his mind was at war. Was she dying, or being dramatic?

He picked dying, it being the more likely cause at this point.

"Snips?" He asked carefully. "Are you... Are you okay?" She mumbled something into the pillow her head was currently smooshed into. In words, he sent jokingly over their bond. Ahsoka lifted her head and gave him the kindest version of her murder face (that in no way consoled him).

"One, how dare you make me move from my cramp free position, and two, I feel like death, thanks for asking."

"Could you be a little more specific as to why you feel like death so I know whether or not to call a healer."

She grumbled. "No, I don't need a healer, but you will if I end up punching you before this conversation's over." Anakin looked taken aback, staring both offended and confused at his Padawan. "All I want is churros and for you to be quiet so this headache will go away."

"I'll leave you alone when you tell me why you feel awful," He told her, somewhat softer to be gentle on her ever sensitive montrals.

Ahsoka gave him a look that said, 'You really should have figured this out by now.' She sighed and returned her head to the pillow, not quite muffling her voice. "I'm on my period, you di'kut."

He brushed off the insult and immediately left the room. Hopefully to fetch churros from wherever Coruscant sold them.

There's my little shorts compilation to tide you over while I drag my motivation out from whatever pit of despair it got stuck in this time.

Requests are welcomed! I'll still pick and choose a bit, but I do my best to get to everyone's requests (as long as I feel good writing them).

Have a good night/day/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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